Page:The Peerage, Baronetage and Knightage of the British Empire Part 2.djvu/171

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COLT HURST. 135 for having uttered seditions phrases against the Duke of York, and was released by J.UIES II. He d. 29 April, 1722, having m. 1st, Mary, dan. and coheir of John Booth, of Letton, Here- fords.; she d. 1.5 Feb. 1702. He m. 2ndly, Margaret, relict of John Arnold, of Llanvihangell Cnicorney", co. Monmouth, M.P. Monmouth and Sonthworth. By his Ist wife he had with other issue an eldest son, JOHX DUTTOX Colt, d. 2 Feb. 1729, ha'ing m. Mary, dau. of John Arnold, jr.p. aforesaid. His great-grandson. Sir Edward Vaughan Colt, s. as 5th Baronet. [2] Sir William Dutton, envoy extraordinary to the courts of Dresden, Lnnenlierg, Zell, and" Hanover, knighted at Whitehall 26 Kov. 1684, His will dated 4 Mav, 1689, and proved 18 Jan. 1693y'4. He m. 1st, Dorothy, dau. of Henry Sanderson, of Hed- ley Hope, co. palatine Dm-ham ; 2ndly, Lucy, dau. of Thomas Webb. Esq. of Kent; and Srdly, in Westminster Abbey, 20 Nov. 1684, Mary, dau. of John Gamey, of Jlomingthorpe, Norfolk, and Kenton, Suifolk, widow of William Shipman, of London, merchant (her will dated 6 May, 1725, and proved 1 Jnly,172G). had issue by each vife. [3] Sir Henry Dutton Colt, M.P. Westminster, created a Baronet 2 Mar. 1693,4 (for his services at the Revolution), with remainder to his brother, John Dutton Colt, and to his three sons, John, William, and Harry, and other remainders over. He d. s. p. 25 April, 1731, and was s. by his great-nephew. His wife, Cecilia, dau. of Francis Brewster, of Wrentham, Suf- folk, and widow of William Nuthill, of Thames Ditton, Surrey (? vidow of Sir Robert Hatton, Knt. of Ditton), d. s. p. Oct. 1712. SIR EDWARD VAUCtHAJ:^ COLT, 5th Baronet (on the death of his brother. Sir John Dutton Colt, 1845) ; b. 1775; d. 9 June, 1849, having m. 1805, Frances Murtlia, dau. of Capt. Gougb, R.x. of Weobley, Hereford ; she d. 10 July, 1865, having had with other issue 3 sons and 2 daus. [1] Sir Edward Harry Vaughan, 6th and present Baronet. [2] Thomas Archer, M.D. heir presumptive to the Baro- netcy; b. 6 Nov. 1815; m. 13 Sept. 1849, Frances, yomiger dau. of Elias Chadwick, of Swinton Hall, co. Lancaster, and has 2 sons and 3 daus. (1) Edward Harry Dutton,b. 3 Oct. 1850. (2) Thomas Archer, L.R.C.P. M.R.C.s. ; b. 29 Dec. 1851; ni. 27 Jime, 1881, Mabel Aileen, 2nd dau. of Rev. Horatio LangTishe Nicholson, d.d. vicar of St. Paul's, Southsea. (3) Frances Alice. (4) Maud. (5) Lucy Sophia. [3] George Francis Walter Richard, b. 1819. [4] Martha Elizabeth Flora, m. 16 July, 1845 to Rev. David Williams, M.A. prebendary of St. Asaph, rector of Castle, "Welshpool, and has 2 sons. [5] Sophia Leonora, d. 2 Feb. 1854, having m. 2 July, 1851, to Rev. George Henry Kirwood, M.A. vicar of St. Martin's, Here- ford, s. p. Hinfagr. COLTHURST, Sir George St. John, of Ar- di'imi, CO. Cork (1744, I.), lieut. late N. Cork mil. ^^ formerly lieut. v^ :!i^Pllllil >;Slj^^SH^ 43rcl regt. A.D.C. v^JJif^ul^^^sl^W^r^ to L.L. Ireland; s. his father as 6th Baronet in 1878 ; b. 1850; m. 27 Aug. 1881, Edith Jane Tho- mazine, only sur- Tiving child of late Mr. Jones Morris, of Dunkettle, co. Cork; heir presumptive, his uncle Lieut.-Col. Colthurst-Vesey. Arms— Arg. on a fesse az. between three colts courant sa. as many trefoils sUpped or. Crest — A colt sa. MOTTO— Justum et tenacem. Seat — Ardrum, Inniscarra, Cork. JOHN COLTHTTRST, of Ardnmi, co. Cork (son of John Colthurst, of Ballyally, and his wife Eliza, dau. of Sir Nicholas Purdon. Knt. and great-gi-eat-gi-andson of Christopher Colthm-st, mm-dered 1641); d. 1756, having m. Alice, dau. and heir of James Conway, Esq. of Cloghane, co. Ken-y, and had 2 sons, [1] Sir John Conway, created a Baroxet. [2] James, of Dripsey Castle, co. Cork, high sheriff 1747; d. 1757, having m. Elizabeth, dau. of Christopher Russell, lieut.- col. 17th regt. lieut.-gov. of Island of Minorca; she d. 1775, having (re-m. 7 Aug. 1763, as 1st vrde, to Joseph Oates, Esq. of Kiluahone, co. Cork) had with other issue 2 sons, (1) John, of Dripsey Castle, CO. Cork; d. Jan. 1815, having m. 1777, Jane, dau. of John Bowen, Esq. of Carriga- di'ohid Castle, co. Cork, and had 4 sons and 2 daus. /I/ John Bowen, of Dripsey Castle, major in the army, special justice of the peace for the islands of St. Vincent and B.arbadoes; b. 4 June, 1779; d. 10 Mav. 1848. having m. 6 Jan. 1806, Christina Peggy, dau. of " Rev. William Bil- linghurst. of Mitcham Hall, Surrey ; slie d. 2 Aijril, 1865, having had with other issue 3 sons and a dau. [1] John Henry, of Dripsey Castle; b. 3 Ma.v, 1808; d. unm. 15 Oct. 1865. [2] George Charles Edward, of Carhue House, co. Cork; b. 16 May, 1811. unm. [3] Joseph, of Dripsey Castle, co. Cork; b. 7 Aug. 1812, imm. [4] Peggy, d. 7 Feb. 1880, having m. 19 Nov. 1853, as 2nd ■wife, to Alfred Greer, Esq. of Dripsey House, co. Cork, and had a dau. Georgina de Bellau- GREER, m. 15 Aug. 1878, to Robert AValter Travers Bowen, Esq. /2/ James, capt. 3rd buffs; b. ; d. having m. 30 July, 1808, Esther, dau. of Sir Augustus C. C. Warren, Bart. ; she d. 22 July, 1872, having had with other issue 2 sons, [1] Augustus Warren, in H.O.; d. unm. 1841. [2] James, LL.D.; b. 1814; m. 25 Nov. 1841, Eliza, dau. of Rev. Thomas Carson, rector of Kilmahon ; she d. 4 Mar. 1873, having had 2 sons and a dau. (1) Herbert Baldwin, M.A. Dublin, bar.-at-law; b. 20 Mar. 1845; m. 25 Oct. 1871. Isaliella Deborah, 3rd dau. of Right Rev. Thomas Carson, LL.D. lord bishop of Kil- more, Elphin, and Ardagh. and has a son and 2 daus. Joseph Riversdale. b. 30 Mar. 1874.— Elizabeth Car- son. — Eleanor Anna Marj'. (2) Ludlow Tonson, M.D. Ediub., surgeon R.N.; b. 17 Oct. 1852. (3) Eliza Anne Waggett Webb, m. 28 Dec. 1872, to Isaac Hoysted, surgeon-major A.m.d. and has 3 daus, Charlotte Hotsted.— Sybil.— Lily. /3/ Nicholas, capt. R.N. m. twice and d. s. p. /4/ Charles, of Clonmoj-le, co. Cork; d. m. 1820, La'inia, dau. of Robert Warren Gumbleton, Esq. of Castleview, co. Waterford, and had a son and 4 daus. [1] Charles William, of Clonmoyle; b. m. dau. of Patterson. [2] Kate. [3] Lavinia. [4] Meta, d. imm. [5] Charlotte. /5/ Jane, m. to William Busteed, Esq. of Riversdale, co. Cork. /6/ Catherine, m. to John Payne, Esq. of Coltage, Clon- moyle, CO. Cork. (2) James, capt. in the army ; d. Feb. 1837, having m. Susan, dau. of Chi-istopher Carr, Esq. of Ballymantybeg, co. Limerick, and had with other issue 2 sons, /I/ James Robert Conway, lieut.-col. in the army; b d. 2 Feb. 1871, having m. Corinna Vraccliotti ; she d. 6 April, 1842, having had a son and 4 daus. [1] James Nicholas, col. in the army, lieut.-col. 6th regt. adj. 83rd regt. dm-ing Indian mutiny, &c. ; b. 7 Mar. 1833. [2] Corinna Susan ; m. 20 Nov. 1855, to Rev. John Blake AVhitley, prebendary of Ross Cathedral, and vicar of Templebryan, co. Cork, and has 3 sons and 3 daus. Alfi-ed James Wilham Wiiitlet, b. 6 June, 1863.— James Robert Colthm-st, b. 2 June, 1868. — John Napier Colthm-st, b. 4 Jan. 1874. — Eleanor Corinna. — Corinna Susanna Beatrice. — Emilv Louisa. [3] Emily, m. 8 May, 1866, to Thomas, son of Rev. Arthm- Herbert, of Cahirnane, co. Ken-y, rector of Castle Island, CO. KeiTV, and has 3 sons, Ai-thm- Colthiu-st HERBERT, b. 5 Mar. 1867.— Thomas Percy Colthm-st, b. 15 Aug. 1868.— Cecil Montefiore Colthm-st, b. 21 May, 1873. [4] HaiTiet, d. 3 June, 1878. [5] Charlotte, m. 20 Nov. 1861, to Richard Griffith, Esq. (Bart.) /2/ Nicholas, major in the army; b. d. 16 Dec. 1857, having m. Elizabeth, dau. of Brabazon, of Dromisken, and had 2 daus. [1] Louisa, m. to John Ryan, staff surgeon. [2] Helena, m. to Jl.ajor Lake.