Page:The Persian Revolution of 1905-1909 (1910).djvu/497

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  • (i) Women.
  • (ii) Persons not of full understanding, or such as are legally in the hands of guardians.
  • (iii) Foreign subjects.
  • (iv) Persons whose apostasy from the orthodox religion of Islam has been established in the presence of a duly qualified representative of the Holy Law.
  • (v) Persons under twenty years of age.
  • (vi) Fraudulent bankrupts.
  • (vii) Persons who have been guilty of murder or theft, criminals liable to punishment according to the laws of Islam, and persons suspected of murder, theft and the like who have not succeeded in legally establishing their innocence.
  • (viii) Members of the naval and military forces actually engaged in service.

Art. 6. Persons provisionally deprived of electoral rights are:

  • (i) Governors and Assistant-governors within their own command and jurisdiction.
  • (ii) Employés of the gendarmerie and police forces within the district of their employment.

Section III.

Qualifications of Candidates for Election.

Art. 7. Candidates for Election must possess the following qualities and status:

  • (i) They must profess the Faith of His Holiness Muḥammad the son of ‘Abdu’lláh, unless they represent the Christian, Zoroastrian, or Jewish communities, in which case also they must be sound in their respective beliefs.
  • (ii) They must be Persian subjects.
  • (iii) They must at least be able to read and write Persian to an adequate degree.
  • (iv) They must be locally known.
  • (v) They must possess some knowledge of affairs of State.
  • (vi) They must have the reputation of being trustworthy and upright.
  • (vii) Their age must not fall short of thirty, nor exceed seventy.