Page:The Persian Revolution of 1905-1909 (1910).djvu/498

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ArT. 8. Persons disqualified for election are:

  • (i) Princes in the first degree, that is to say the sons, brothers, and paternal uncles of the King.
  • (ii) Women.
  • (iii) Foreign subjects.
  • (iv) Members of the military and naval forces actually in service.
  • (v) Persons employed in the service of the State, unless they resign their offices during the period for which they act as representatives.
  • (vi) Fraudulent bankrupts.
  • (vii) Persons who have committed murder or theft, and other criminals deserving punishment according to the Law of Islam, as well as persons reputed guilty of murder, theft, etc., who have not legally established their innocence.
  • (viii) Persons whose age falls short of thirty or exceeds seventy years.
  • (ix) Persons whose apostasy from the orthodox faith of Islam shall have been established in the presence of a duly qualified Ecclesiastical Judge, and those who live in open sin.

Section IV.

Formation of the Council of Supervision.

Art. 9. In every electoral centre there shall be temporarily formed a committee named the “Council of Supervision” (Anjuman-i-Naẓárat) which shall superintend and be responsible for the correctness of the Elections.

Art. 10. In places where, in conformity with the Law, there exists a Provincial or Departmental Council, this Council of Supervision shall consist of three members of such Provincial or Departmental Council and four persons generally respected in the locality, under the presidency of the Governor. These four persons shall be appointed, subject to the approval of the Governor, by the Provincial or Departmental Council from outside its members.

Art. 11. In places where no Provincial or Departmental Council has yet been formed in conformity with the Law, the Council of Super-