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His Honour the Lieutenant Governor has thought proper

in the Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal, signed
communications made to those persons to whom they may

to direct, that all public communications, which may appear

with any Official Signature, are to be considered as Official




Colonial Secretary's Office
Perth, April 6th, 1833

Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned Individuals have applied at this office for permission to leave the colony, viz.

Edward Sears.
John Swetnam,
John Cook.
By His Honor's command,
Peter Brown
Colonial Secretary


Fremantle, April 6th—Arrived the Sandwich Island Schooner, Auranzau, Capt. R. Jordon from Singapore consigned to Mr. Wm. Lamb with the following cargo, viz:—
Beef, pork, sugar, rice, green and black teas, in large chests, and catty boxes, coffee, sugar candy, old brandy in cases, segars, napkins, patent boat cloaks, manila hats, black pepper, sago, manilla biscuit, coloured floor mats, &c small cordage, &c. &c. &c.


IRISH PORK, ditto Beef, Hams, Flour Oatmeal, Potatoes, Onions, Rice, Lard, Sugar, Tea, Raisins, Jamaica Rum, Brandy, Prime Gin, Wines, London Porter, Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Pipes, Cape Skins, Slops, Shoes, Cloth Caps, Felt and other Hats, Combs, Tin and Earthenware, Starch, Stone Blue, Pearl Barley, Vermicelli, Mustard, Pickles, Ketchup, Soy Salad Oil, Salt, Pepper, and Spices, Stationery, Playing Cards, Shot, Copper, Caps, Corks, &c. &c. &c.



£150. on a Mortgage upon a very valuable Estate, containing 2700 acres, situated on the Swan, that lets for £100 per annum; the fee simple will be given with the mortgage deed, and the Estate at the time the mortgage is granted, will be totally unincumbered, 25 per cent interest will be given and to be paid half yearly.—Apply to the Editor; or, to

Mr. R. Lewis, Auctioneer.



I HEREBY give notice, that a motion will be made to the Civil Court, on Tuesday the seventh day of May next to obtain an order for the property of Raphiel Clint, late of this colony, to be sold, and the profits arising from such Sale to be placed in the hands of the Court, for the benefit of his creditors,

Dated the 4th April 1833.
Geo. Fred. Stone.
Attorney for the Creditors.


Fremantle, 1st April, 1833.

Before the Honorable W. H Mackie, Esq., Judge Advocate, and a full bench of Magistrates.

The learned Chairman opened the business of the Sessions with a short, but appropriate address to the grand Jury.

William Lewington, was charged with firing a pistol at Robert Maydwell with an intent to do him some bodily injury. The fact of his having fired the pistol was fully established. In his defence he endeavoured to palliate the offence, by shewing that Maydwell the father of his wife, had held out inducements to her to leave him, which she had done, a month after the marriage.

G. Leake, Esq. Mr. Rrichard Lewis, and others gave the prisoner an excellent character.

The Jury retired for a short time and returned a verdict—not guilty.

Pare alias Cowrie, was charged with attempting an indecent assault upon a female 7 years of age.—verdict not guilty.

Benjamin Hinks, was charged with breaking into the Harbour-Masters Office.

Frances Hagan, saw the prisoner at the book case, removing the books, and said good morning to him, which civility he returned, and said 'You see Hagan I'm reading a bit.'

The prisoner put in a written defence in which he stated that, since his last confinement in Jail, he could not get any body to allow him to sleep in their houses, and had merely taken shelter in the Harbour Masters office for the night. Finding the cupboard open, he was merely amusing himself by reading a bit.

Verdict—guilty.—Sentenced to 7 years transportation.

Stephen Hawker—charged with stealing certain spars or posts from the south beach—guilty 7 months imprisonment and hard labour. Also charged with stealing a cask of beef-guilty.

John Cooper of Fremantle publican, was charged before the sitting Magistrates on Tuesday last, with keeping a disorderly house; the defence set up was, the necessity of making money in any way, to pay so heavy a license He was dismissed, not on this plea, but in consideration of its being the first offence, with an admonition not to incur so heavy a charge again.

Davis the wife of T. Davis, a blacksmith was convicted on Thursday last in the penalty of 5s. with costs for being in a state of intoxication in the public streets. This was one of those aggravated cases, which the proper authorities are diligently striving to suppress.

Governor Stirling's name has frequently vibrated in our ears since his departure; we were pleased to hear, a few day's ago that, at Guildford, his tree,—the ground he trod upon,—and every object which calls forth the recollection of him, is marked as a memento of departed worth.

The post-man on his way down to Fremantle yesterday, happened to fall in with one of the sheep which had strayed from the flock lately driven up to a farm on the Swan, and from the exhausted state in which he found it, he carried it to the bush inn, a distance of about a mile and a half, for which exertion he received 2s!!


Sir Walter Scott died at Abbotsford, on Friday, September 21, aged sixty one years. Thirty one years were devoted to the most triumphant but wearing literary labour, and at last his physical strength was exhausted by mental exertion. The last days of life were darkness; and visited as he had been—death was hailed as the only source of relief. In this place, our duty is merely to note the fact of his translation from that sphere wherein his talents were honoured to that wherein his virtues will be rewarded.—Atlas

He was born on the 15th August, 1771, and consequently died in his sixty second year; he was the eldest son of Walter Scott, Esq., writer to the Signet in Edinburgh; his mother was the daughter of David Rutherford, Esq., an able and popular practitioner of the same (the legal) profession. She was the authoress of some poems, and acquainted with Burns, Blacklock, and Allan Ramsay. It is not unreasonable to suppose that from her he first formed his poetical taste—another illustration of the assertion that to our mothers we are mainly indebted for the early bent and ultimate tendency of character. Sir Walter early discovered a love of poetry and legendary lore, and the fact of his being born lame gave him opportunites of indulging in his poetic fancies. Mr. Scott was educated at the High School, Edinburgh, and afterwards served his time to the profession of the law. He was in July, 1792, called to the Scottish bar, and, through the influence of the head of the Scott family, the Duke of Buccleuch, he was nominated Sheriff of Depute of Selkirkshire; and in March, 1806, obtained the place of one of the principal Clerks of Sessions in Scotland. In 1798 he married Miss Carpenter, by whom he has left several children.

The first productions of Mr. Scott were two ballads from the German—"The Chace," and "William and Mary, published anonymously. "Gretz of Berienchingen," a tragedy, also from the German, appeared in 1799; and about the same time he contributed two ballads, "The Eve of St. John," and "Glenfinles," to Lewis's "Tales of Wonder." His next work was "The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border," in 1802, which first established his poetic fame. "Sir Tristram" was published in 1804; this was followed next year by "The Lady of the last Minstrel;" afterwards succeeded by "Marmion," in 1808; "The Lady of the Lake," in 1810, the most popular of his poetical productions ; "The Vision of Don Roderick," in 1811; Rockeby, in 1812; "The Lord of the Isles," in 1814 ; and "Waterloo" soon after. These are his principal poetical works. In addition to these, Sir Walter published "The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland; and also, edited the works, of Dryden, Somers s Tracts, Sadler s State Papers, Miss Seward's Works, and those of Swift; be besides conducted the Edinburgh Annual Register. We need only allude in this brief sketch to that splendid collection of novels, known by the name of the first of them which appeared, the 'Wakerley'