Page:The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal 1(28).djvu/3

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is Deke AIL wih Si, it bie feom any sespoustiity by your decison.

‘Major Nan ‘Te dla bas ben attended wth comiderable lve; "Km tay hoowedge of the tateg at Hobart ‘Town, st my aenustane| teehee, f Lond ae prose thei, Errangemnenta ould have teen ade outot Cow, ‘Sher by arbiaton or otra

Com Lam of opinion thre is ouiciont a shorty forging wp tho Bl, i ooold only bo eta aa len

‘Mr. Leake agen remarked tat was a giovous Iardsipy tate shuld bo drugged int” Court, and be compaled ts incur 20 bury an oxponce, Sen it was evidet tho plant ad not the ight ground of action

“The Comnionee 1 an wot all propared say that Me: Ds ha ated beyond His Sty

udgraen, Nona

The sbjet of Cots was et for oonsiertion the Commision however deied onthe flow ing day, Ghat toy should be mutoaly dasa,

ova e Soy agent for Cepia Roll, 20 rocgror fn pid fa fo gallons ofc, whieh eand pt sete.

‘Mr. Sate dened being the gant of Captain Rolls; ihe woncy ws pd tots (fe Ss),


‘ht ho toads” passa i over fa the came room 10 Capea Tl : ‘Gomme carnal. appears very extraordinary pee Cova


Tugest Ron

SOE aig ka was en aston tome cone tie ammes fcertcin Ea orang rode Se Pats yt

eas aed tin ce af Bigg sha cl a naa hey fe Si ot Se Regy meena te goo

‘te Commie dled, tn he roared sis geson a tf Eerie old Eislike tw cole ef eae to te ea tah pice tn esha tender, Tooter hyo te godt bo Has topay tales phan ay vie crore nes fehaned qeston

BE. ang But tapi propery — sot Late pave oj ny fot ag

We fa w ight to

itn there pune» val wo easels te

"Tim Counc yon tat lee? ‘tty —eould goods place thee, be cane dave to thoes In tis ome appear to. tne Ihave to dei whethor the owner leo {Otte Papa of fo, aller objeting ois gods ting landed on te Jtby: wih gael the feneral gustion, sere no cbjetion has been Sule, Lol ie Wat aiew htoencilentio, ed diver my opin to-mor

The opinien given on the flowing. woring, vas ore beks ie df fromm genes unstion whch it he wih ove cia The Gaps, ithe weather Will pret. and ie ean be Ato with salty shoul Ta the goods at high rater rnrky ad] nt on private ety, a he ‘omer would bo subjen lo at eon of trespaa femoving them ‘The question a8 tb ho devery Bythe Captain, wbutber fom Se ship sil. 2 highonaer ma, world depend pon east or fhe rage of the’ Ports we. and. peuliely situated dn anew state, not baving any preendet fb guido us, we mnt therefae eaablinh regu Moen fw in oe one any prtcla foray we ny july bas the bows BO GER. Bebre’ however I Seedeypon ti eral quoi 1 sn sil die to 0 40-1 ould fel Right to te Bi evidence ofall the Morehans~ if turned vt that the Captain ha fai his dy by ean weal to hand the goxs over the ships side Tsou coder and bold ‘establish mage

‘Gna question being put tthe Conmisioner, Bis Hbgond whl the oom af gon ‘ould be compelled ta sent 10 Cockburn Sound, {opposing the vee tole ther.) the event of ‘ho Caplan not beng lnle to ud is cago, Ho replio, that bo should consider Gages Rous not the aly propor place of diver.

{tobe continue)

In connsqueien of dhe pres of other nator wich has Been hupded ou at @ ate hou, We re ubder the neesty of ertlig our repore of the Law Procenings, te eonination wil pest


‘To the tor of the Porth Gazette,

Sig—Hs it mot remarkable that in our engunt. Jers withthe Naties ofthese dates wbetine esol or proconcert we lave mover see there ‘Ge tho stleld. Sch a thing hao nat Dean ean Telos eithor inthe hada, when ae oe jn thelr bamta when aken by turpis le that ‘re have never aen thecn avayed fn their panoply Fbstte? or Une bing sie of the imaliiatoy fai asd sw dlenc agains 9 mute they Saye tl iwc vith tt eh

Zita inspodiment to thei Might ori it Teally ha eine tht tho tes bn the ‘southern into of Wostem Anzai are not aya ‘ith ora all evens aot ascastomed toon a towiga den T ab at ath I fog

st of ther wmoury wt King Gaoeges Sound Tor as ooo eon seen I tie at Auguste, T Have ot ened of it at he Murray, nue fet th any trib to tho south ofthe Tn the dst SE Mga frum which quarter tr have ltl ‘cen brought wo presonsd as greatraiies By some of Wigs te to some sets ats head ‘ft San Riven Ono whi i in the poser tion of ts, Bl sliay formed, an telly Srmamooted. Te is mde fom apie ol igi mitch wool perhaps casnariea) out two Fest ad hf lm, td about stabs row he fs is gruoved or fsted longtonaly ta

alae waving ines, tho bollome. sig. pated ite, while the rest of the wood. pod. Te Tu Bok of the shel eid atthe cen, a rogulaly tapered or Bai dove tovanls the ens outside To his ik pre a hole aboot fou Inches long fet through aa handle.” Griging {ii ai sin Tel rd gta 98 to ee

ay on his fager aod talling en detion Fecha a tntbolye Wp Savdot of alte earn wich wen theo al im fe alin spor, Bp ng the ier eu smary” in an iehnel

iin so 9 inraibly 0 throw. thom aver is Feat. "Whi mut be «great protction in Fate Acvong daasaves. Mut vhat are yt i om {he Greunstanee te susmpton be ero Aint it not asad if known among th southers tsibea Door feargue# igor er lower dogeee fn the seal of savage Uist ye my tne Sure solos vith enjoctanes od inferences which are Tralee, at lt, ive system be fonded upon thor. Ae to tlbse tothe North more ware? Tashi 8 common st Spey. Is is uso dest fn worn exe lel In orth, andi ib now saakg its ay gradual ‘in hr eseondante to su? OF tay We ‘ep een eatin ern he interior to the nos” the knowlege oF {his ‘eon lure come north about Phe ie hee Gone eget agains. ik Eloemong and Avrigong ne the Fnemes vich the Port Taolaon Native veto ne sede of dierent materials" Wala is" the seo. hy. which the Sivan River Natives dsigoat is inpement. "Thave teapot suck on your indulge, le sna mae rs it Fronds pnt Cato’ mouth spon avery inet Sceasien. "fan Weary af eatjetives, this must feat dan” amy Si

‘o the Eitor of tie Pert Gazste,

Sig —A laroed commentator om the. avs. of nll in anlptng th ls by” whic india tals claim exclave posanion of any portion of {he sures or substance of the ear er stew: ing tha dried om the vata it rain from pit oostpaney, thus proceeds Upon the ‘Sno rnp was funded the right of migeation, fcventing woloice to fod out new hubation, thon the mother country was overaged. wi Inia wih wes ctl at wl bythe PPhaoviiae ad Gronks th Gartsana, Sey sa and otber nore yeopla. And a0 long a5 itvwan conned tothe sticlog: and eration of dete niobate coon, He Rep sey witha the nts of the law of mati. Bat how fa the ‘ein 0 coutzien lead peopled, and driving ‘out or tnnacring” the inofon? and’ defensin tative, mevely becaise they dered fom thelr vate in langtage,i0zlighon, in cists, in goverment orn elo; ow fr nich a eset fur consonant ator, treason, or chin, dered well oe considered by thon, wi roniered tht names moral by. thos ining trankind* The Bri nalon Ua daveredy soyured a igh name for joaice ad honor in ie

ul rail ge, ad nts oe i st prams a hone Wt oe ee lien fom derision eve ee og eens Seema Lae Le foe esd wal our ee et tte ae ae cee ol crle aitcrl era le may ene ot Bal ce wee on ee Boe Bevel elegs. "tpl hare See ie ae fren ae cad Oe ae Lic iecen Senge of weit See oil oot aeaeesak aap eae cee eat fie creen Soe sad wale ore Sol cemaa tetanic anes epee emer d peewee ns Se a ae opie er ee Feit cere faba aisle a 8 ear een ee he so koe Si sr tel’ os eeu ae reactant ee Wat sacle eat areata Vey wlll oes Salle AG a te late at eaancha bose git pee emi ee Ste ae cet e nol erie eget oh Bare ee ehane als Se work de seine & Se eee So SoS ae te Aa Soe ‘nae repeat Se op Te nies se ee ae SOE ett ee ee Fate hrrepbctnrepi er ment a pe ane deat ag pee em he ey ol Cees ees Momty wot tories st ety sae sre ice eet alte ears eee oer ee a oe sare re Be i ve inven conta icee man nil Re cy of tar Senay a SUT bie tarde me yet Sing ta eta alee, aot fesse at dl Rag ac cme | lott Afertst eae, ee So renin! hance peat Ee eee a open teats ria i par rokal cine “ticend te thee Sip tone ue nny Slop a temic, 2 tac od tne arene at See So acne ete he eee See ee ee sa hn et ge tase eee et ie ty ba oe eg tela oor gu ee a me gutaledt we carta cll SES lst cere Saat eras fe bile catia oot CAC tee BL aie Geotail Ego tle eta ioe peme hal itaeree he see BoE Oa Vol tee weccle a Per abating eae copies upaciagt a awe ace bo eae res A ent as eee bee repens eee oe ana ee ee Solar hereeey ee caer fe Siegnee eta ae oar eg eee See npc il al Sorcectee a Ceatiarons ‘ditiona

Whar was Rome built? siked ea Ozoninn of oy. By night, answered: the: boy. How was that? is mew pies of inforaation | Noy for my French proverb book eays, Wt wae not bul i fa day!