Page:The Perth Gazette and Western Australian Journal 1(28).djvu/4

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‘For the permanent. support of Orphan ‘and Destitute Ohildven by means of| “Apprenticeship in the Colonies.

A Society under the above title has recently been lle jn London, the prospectus of which together with a series of queries to be answered by individuals in this colony willing to forward its views, has been kindly lent us. by Mr. Grant, ‘The subject is of such impor- tanoe ‘both as regarding our iuterest and that of the mother country, that we lose|

time in laying it before our readers, in order, that those who feel so inclined, may have an opportunity to forward their views upou the subject, which may be collected and transmitted to the eominit- fee of the society hy the Arethusa. The full quota of ocers of the soeiety had not] been filled up when the Jolin Cruig| sailed. ‘The names of the patron aud

residents were still blank, but as View

Presidents were Lard Dover, Exsl Os

ford, Portmore and Glengal, Colonel

Torrens, Mr. Galley Koighi, Mr. James

Morrison, Sir F. Vincont, Mr. Weyland,

ington, Mr. Briscoe, General

Palmer, Mr. Shawe Lefevre, ull mem-

bere of parliament, and Mr. Hoare as

treasurer. Mr. Charles Lushington was liairman, and as members of committee wwore Jobn Pirie, G. F’. Angas, W. Craw- ford, T. Pringle, P. Beliord, @. Tang,

Hi Beownings Hays) Ds Co ME Ge

more, D. Elston, W. Hust, R. Heath

field, J. F. Manvert, J. G, Simpson,

W. E. Snow and H. Sermon, Esqs., a8

surgeons were B. Cooper, and J. Dal-

rymple, Exgs. ‘The names of the houor- ary secretaries in Canada and these eolo-| nies wero of course not yet filled up. Commits Pom, Regent st ‘London, March 36, 1832

‘Sin, have the honor to ares yoo 3s Cae rman of the Prviional Commits of set ‘ehic i is propoved to for inthis City, for Hie ‘erpoes of provdtng for desta ehldsen of both exes matives of the United Kingdom, in the ‘Bie norten an nopthorn Colonies

‘From the rele of the fnguos which bare already boen iste among various intelligent Intranets: Coase no ese dul tan bo entertained, Dut the probable conseneace eT jet cnigraton, condoned upon he pln St indontare, would prove highly betel! both to $e Colonist md the Figen

"The general pinepla of expediency, therefore say. bet considered st sadufcterly sie, but it Zentsins fo dsterine how the delalvof the echeme fan be eaitnlrily eared ito exenton

"Wit ew Yk te hry of subg to yoo the Yolloning quarss, and respect seit ta fvonr of the ary communion zine era ts wih ty ie Woctryor hth hye an gi, be; twoen tlie si ft years of te 8 Griweayen otteciayt

‘2, Ifo, for what deweriton of service, to ‘wha extent of umber annually and in what pro Dortons a8 to ach sex

‘Sele Whether ia wociety shoul be insted, 41 proposed in London, for removing poor eile, ‘Got this county to the colonies—the Socity| ‘wouldbe relieved, wholly, of to what exten fom te responstity whish mont be Tneweed by he Society ondon ix regard to the caro of the lien upon tht reel inthe coloay, or if ot fn what reueo: that respousity would conti?

48, Whether tbe onal apprentice cbildren in the colony, and iso, whether say uct stg

ion evtht bo ofr as tothe mode by which

Siiiren went out by the Socsty could be boond

tices the eileen being withot parent o ‘fbr legal Ret ae a “Wether Wat diiaty cannot (os i

apprehended) be ovetoome—what other modo of TEEting the mare fo the protection of the hd would be mile

ily Whether any prem or monthly pay coal be gbtsne ss cnseratin forthe esc ofthe hlen--wich payment. tbe aptod 0 Sheree of he enigedion had?

“the, Commies costerplte. the ied query wi sla uy, a tegen oa ee ih engiing the propered Society upon an extensive Sal depends pncipaly on the sswer fy may see to tis qs Te would ale be highly gratifying tothe Provisional Conmitee folesn if reply that enapuenents fal been aden Van Dien’ Lad for proving for the ldrn on ter amival, ofa naaze to ree the Secity in th souotey from all reponse on ie subject, the Committe snipatiog oni the Femoval of ch ehllen sv 10 nue, eet ot tection, 22 Comite ental formed x Yan Bieme'e Land wight fom tine to te pro pov to recat. (iste conte)

Invortanr Ducrstoy on Bank nuprey.—Dhe recent decision of Mr. Comtnissioner Fivans against the County Tisurance Company's right to pr

der Duckett and Go’s bankrupt

2 large amount of Exchequer bills sold by the bankrupts, on tho. ground that thro of the bankrupts baring some chares fn the company were partners in it, and hed hereby legally disqualifed the com- pauy feom proving their debt, places the Security of property in iusurance offices, aul all joint stock companies aud clubs in avery questionable point of view,—| Ist, because, iFany banker or other perm sou, intending to be made a bankrupt, and_ being largely indebted to such eom- panies, be desirous of defrauding them of their debts, he has only to go to the: share market and buy share, previous to his bankruptcy, to aceomplish his ob- ject; and Sadly, because, under the same pretence of hoing a partner be may make away with Ticclsaiee bills and other sceurities, lodged with him for a special purpose, without fear of tranmportation,


Salt Beef, do. Pork Ries Sugar i Soup Candles ‘Tobacco Tongues [Men's Half Boots Shoes,

For cash only,

ALSO, a Teain of excellent Wonx- ing Boiiocks with gear, Two Bullock Carts, a Timber Carriage with Chains, a few Thousand Bricks, a few Pigs,

Be. Riewanp W xis.

From the “ CORNWALLIS,” and} FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED Ak moderate prices for Cash.

‘A srall quantity of Wiltshire Cheese & Bacon, and a few firkins of Prime Itish Butter. ‘A. Waviay.

‘Fremantle, June 28, 1883.

‘Besonce of anchovies, and other sauces, (Capers, Chile vinegar. 80,

Some very superior anchovies, in pots

lof half aud I Ib. weight each.

NOTICE WHEREAS, His Excellency Goverrior Stirling having been pleased to assign to me all the right and claim of William Dixon to a Grait of Land of 2268 acres fon the right bank of the Swan River, adjoining the estate of B. B. Lennard,


‘Die Public as hereby enutionel dt, whosoever ents dovn timber, ereets build ings, or otherwise trespasses on the above Estate after this notice, will be prosecuted according to law.

W. R. Sree. Dated at Prmantte Ui frst ay of Duty, US38. N.B—The above assignment is duly

registered at the Surveyor General's Office.

LANDING fiom the “Cornwallis,” and

on Sale for Cash, only, at the STORES

of the Undersigued.

Superior Cape m: quarter casks

Ditto Cape hock, ia quarter casks


Rope and twine

Butter in quarter easkes

Dried fruits

Gunpowder, Shot





See wheat

Oats and barley

‘Van Riewens ale, in casks

An assortment of gentlemen's superfine loth coats, truvsors au waatconta

‘Men's ankle, buskia, & hobuailed boots

Meu's, women’s und boys shoes, &e. Se.

G LraKe,

in balf and

Perth & Fremantle, Fue 19, 1833,


acon, perl 2, | Rien per Ih Hams itoLe Gd._— | nt, Cape, per gallon Biter (sat), "te 9] BG

‘ey dio, (Box), 2e| Rm Dit, 16 Sires {Ib loaf 1s 4 | Brand, Diu Le eat Galt), por.” 84 Gin Dist,

‘Gosh iota. Signe, poh Se ation, pr 62. Tey per 3.870 ‘angaro por Ib. ba 2a ork (eth), perth Is) Pigilatn

‘i. (oaks 8a Potatons, perth. 3.8 4a Cheer, Sydney, por Ib. Cabbage ech 3d

elt Engi 2e| Flour por Bb. Od, by Colt, pot Ib de 62 | the bag, Sha gus perdon. 4a (Whaat por Enshel 10e Mil! fer quart 8¢ | Hay, yer tm 28 Fowtsfench 3m 60 [Simpy pe eG Witte pigeon, 9¢|/Stare, po Ib s

icky jak” Ts Dobaoto, per

fan, 6' Se Viena pe lion 3.6 ‘Dict po Ib. 1 6 Gunpowder, yor abn ph 3, |S di,

i per allow 10x Ale and porter, yer dow

‘El te

Fated, Drnted, an Paid by CHARLES wae ashe uote Obes, Pte apr Gant yi in advance. or Be Epa ei ater ie ner, One Sil ‘Tanut of Avvercisananrs

‘and 3 per Une above