Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/93

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Parent of arms! for ever stand
With large increase of fame rever'd,
Whilst arches to thy saving hand
On Danube's grateful banks are rear'd.
Eugene, inspir'd to war by thee, 195
Ausonia's weeping states to free,
Swift on th' imperial Eagle flies,
Whilst, bleeding, from his azure bed
Th' asserted Iber lifts his head,
And safe his Austrian lord enjoys. 200

Iö, Britannia! fix'd on foreign wars,
Guiltless of civil rage, extend thy name;
The waves of utmost ocean, and the stars,
Are bounds but equal to thy Sov'reign's fame.
With deeper wrath thy victor Lion roars, 205
Wide o'er the subject world diffusing fear,
Whilst Gallia weeps her guilt, and peace implores:
So earth, transfix'd by fierce Minerva's spear,
A gentler birth obedient did disclose,
And sudden from the wound eternal olives rose. 210

When, with establish'd freedom bless'd,
The globe to great Alcides bow'd,
Whose happy pow'r reliev'd th' oppress'd
From lawless chains, and check'd the proud,