Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/94

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Mature in fame, the grateful gods 215
Receiv'd him to their bright abodes,
Where Hebe crown'd his blooming joys;
Garlands the willing Muses wove,
And each, with emulation, strove
T' adorn the Churchill of the skies. 220

For Albion's chief, ye sacred Nine!
Your harps with gen'rous ardour string,
With Fame's immortal trumpet join,
And safe beneath his laurel sing:
When clad in vines the Seine fhall glide, 225
And duteous in a smoother tide
To British seas her tribute yield;
Wakeful at Honour's shrine attend,
And long with living beams defend
From night the warrior's votive shield. 230

And, Woodstock! let his dome exalt thy fame;
Great o'er thy Norman ruins be restor'd:
Thou that with pride dost Edward's[1] cradle claim,
Receive an equal hero for thy lord:
Whilst ev'ry column, to record their toils, 235
Eternal monuments of conquest wears,
And all thy walls are dress'd with mingled spoils,
Gather'd on fam'd Ramillia and Poictiers,
High on thy tow'r the grateful flag display,
Due to thy Queen's reward and Blenheim's glorious day.

  1. The Black Prince.