Page:The Praises of Amida, 1907.djvu/123

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Fight the good Fight with all Thy Might.

and of our own wills and desires, which is the true spiritual principle of life and conduct.

You see, Nehrodoff was just a plain, ordinary, man. His passions and lusts often brought him to the verge of despair, and his resolution often seemed to fail him. But when once his conscience had risen from the dead, he was no more under their dominion. He cared no more for the adverse opinions of others, he was oblivious of all considerations of profit and loss to himself. He no longer troubled himself as to whether people noticed what he did or not, whether they were grateful or not for what he did for them. His one and only thought was to advance boldly along the right road, and do the thing that in his heart he believed to be the just thing to do. He was like some fierce bird of prey, entirely taken up and possessed by the spirit which had come down upon him, and blindly following its behests without a look to right or left. What he did, you might say that Nehrodoff did it, but that would be only half the truth. It was no longer Nehrodoff