Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/29

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BENJAMIN HARRISON 11 as 2d lieutenant, July 14, 1862; as captain, July 22, 1862; and as colonel, August 7, 1862." He was in command of his regiment from date of mus ter-in to August 20, 1863; of the brigade, 3d divi sion, reserve corps, to about September 20, 1863; of his regiment to January 9, 1864; of the 1st bri gade, 1st division, llth army corps, to April 18, 1864; of his regiment to June 29, 1864; and of the 1st brigade, 3d division, 20th army corps, to Sep tember 23, 1864, when he was detailed for special duty in the State of Indiana. The exact date that he returned to duty in the field is not shown; but on November 12, 1864, he was directed to report in person to the general commanding at Nashville, Tenn., and subsequently commanded the 1st bri gade, provisional division, army of the Cumber land, to January 16, 1865, when, upon his own ap plication, he was relieved and directed to rejoin his proper command for duty in Gen. Sherman s army at Savannah, Ga. On his way via New York to rejoin his command at Savannah, he was stricken down with a severe fever and lay for several weeks at Narrowsburg, N. Y. When able to leave his bed he started for Savannah, but arrived too late to join Gen. Sherman, and was assigned to com mand the camp of convalescents and recruits at Blair s Landing, S. C., on the Pocotaligo river, and soon after joined Gen. Sherman s army at Raleigh. He resumed command of the 1st brigade,