Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/30

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12 LIVES OF THE PRESIDENTS 3d division, 20th army corps, April 21, 1865; was relieved therefrom June 8, 1865, upon the discon tinuance of the brigade by reason of the muster out of the troops composing it; and on the same date, June 8, 1865, was mustered out and honorably dis charged as colonel with the field and staff of his regiment, near Washington, D. C. He was brevet- ted brigadier-general of volunteers January 23, 1865, "for ability and manifest energy and gal lantry in command of brigade." As a regimental commander he was in action at Russellville, Ky., September 30, 1862; in the Atlanta campaign, at Resaca, Ga., May 14-15, 1864; at Cassville, Ga., May 24, 1864; at New Hope, Ga., May 25, 1864; at Dallas, Ga., May 27-28, 1864; and at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 10-28, 1864. As a brigade commander he participated in the operations at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 29 to July 3, 1864; in the battle of Peach Tree creek, Ga., July 20, 1864; in the siege of Atlanta, Ga., July 21 to Sep tember 2, 1864; and in the battle of Nashville, Term., December 15-16, 1864; and was present at the surrender of Gen. Johnston s army at Dur ham s Station, N. C., April 26, 1865. At the close of his term of office as reporter of the Supreme Court he resumed the law practice and soon had his hands full of work, being retained in almost every important case in the Federal and State courts at Indianapolis. In 1876 Godlove S.