Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/328

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280 INDEX Cobb, Howell, ii. 229, 239. Coke, Lord, Jefferson s high esteem for, i. 114-115. Cold Harbor, battle of, ii. 282, iii. 48. Coleridge, Lord, quoted on Benjamin Harrison, iv. 20-21. Colfax, Schuyler, iii. 175. Colombia, negotiations with, during Arthur s administration, iii. 218; slippery conduct of, in regard to Panama Canal, iv. 118. Combinations, danger to stability of government from, iv. 107-108. Commerce court, Taft s, iv. 178; bills in congress aimed to destroy, 181. Commercial treaties recommended by President Arthur, iii. 217. "Competitor," filibustering schooner, iii. 271. Compromise measures of 1850, ii. 187. Confederate States of America, organ ization of, ii. 259. Congressmen, salaries of, iv. 139. Conkling, Margaret C., cited, i. 54. Conkling, Roscoe, iii. 89, 123, 175, 204 ; contest with Garfleld over pat ronage, and resignation, 185-186, 211-212 ; declines position on bench of supreme court, 229. Connecticut compromise, i. 174. Conrad, Charles M., ii. 157. Conservation of natural resources, Roosevelt s great work for, iv. 133- 137. Constitution, the American, framing and adoption of, i. 32; amend ments to, 38-39, 179; services of Madison in connection with, 177; 13th amendment, abolishing sla very, ii. 274; 14th amendment, iii. 15; 15th amendment, 75-76. Constitutional convention of 1787, i. 32. Continental congress, first, i. 18-19, 69, 121-123; second, 70 ff., 162. Con way, Moncure D., i. 3. Coolidge, T. J., i. 213. Corea, treaty with (1882), iii. 220- 221. Corinth, battle of, iii. 36. Cornell, Alonzo B., iii. 204; removed from New York naval office by President Hayes, 142, 205-208; elected governor of New York, 208- 209. Corporations, regulation of, by Presi dent Roosevelt, iv. 107-108, 127- 129. Cortelyou, George B., postmaster- general under Roosevelt, iv. 111. Corwin, Thomas, ii. 157. Corwine, H. W., iii. 111. Cox, Gen. Jacob D., iii. 93. Craigie house, Cambridge, i. 21. Craik, Dr., Washington s physician, i. 30, 43, 44. Cranch, William, ii. 157. Crawford, George W., ii. 138. Crawford, Thomas, statue of Wash ington by, i. 49. Crawford, William H., i. 206, 232, 281, 287, ii. 10, 57; quarrel between Andrew Jackson and, i. 273-274 Credit Mobilier scandal, iii. 181-182. Creek Indians, Jackson s campaign against, i. 266-269. Creswell, A. J., iii. 93. Crittenden, John J., ii. 44, 72, 157. Crittenden compromise, ii. 239. Crockett, David, i. 268. Cuba, proposed treaty between Eng land, France, and United States concerning, during Fillmore s ad ministration, ii. 161, 191; the "Os- tend manifesto" relative to, 192; annoyance to American citizens from insurrection in, iii. 86; break ing out of insurrection in (1895), and President Cleveland s policy of neutrality, 269-271; policy of McKinley administration toward, iv. 55-56; growing seriousness of affairs in, and despatch of man-of- war to, 59-61; destruction of the "Maine," 63-65; blockade of, by IT. S. war ships, 69; the war in, 70- 72; arrangements as to, in treaty of peace, 74; restoration of order in, by United States in 1906, 121, 166- 168; President Roosevelt s warning to, 121-122. Culver, Erastus D., iii. 198. Cumberland road bill, i. 207. Currency, measures for regulating, during Roosevelt s administration, iv. 129-130; reform of, undertaken by President Wilson, iv. 226-229. Curtis, George William, iii. 204. Cushing, Caleb, ii. 189, 238. Custis family, members of, i. 5O, 51, 53, 54, 55, 58. Dallas, George M., nominated for vice-president, ii. 101. Dana, Francis, i. 219. Davies, Henry E., ii. 152. Davies, Rev. Samuel, reference by, to George Washington, i. 13-14. Davis, Cushman K., peace commis sioner after Spanish war, iv. 74. Davis, Henry Winter, iii. 175.