Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/329

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INDEX 281 Davis, Jefferson, secretary of war under Franklin Pierce, ii. 188; made president of Confederate States, 259; refusal of, to admit possibility of restoration of national authority, 288-289; public address by, denouncing conduct of Presi dent Lincoln, 290. Davis, Rev. Thomas, i. 44. Day, William R., succeeds John Sher man as secretary of state, iv. 54; appointed on Spanish peace com mission, 74. Deane, Silas, i. 74. Dearborn, Henry, secretary of war under Jefferson, i. 141. Debt, national, President Grant s stand respecting payment of, iii. 74; refunding of, at lower rates of interest, 78-79; reduction of, dur ing Grant s administration, 93. Decatur, Stephen, i. 143, 227. Decimal system of currency, devising of, i. 129. Decker, Sarah Platt, at Washington conference of Governors, iv. 135. Declaration of Independence, i. 22; passage of motion for, 73-74 ; prep aration and formal adoption of, 122-123. De Golyer contract scandal, iii. 182- 183. Delano, Columbus, iii. 93. Democratic party, i. 91, ii. 208. Denby, Col. Charles, iv. 76. Dennison, William, ii. 260. Devens, Charles, iii. 128. Dewey, Admiral, victory of, at Manila, iv. 69; member of commission to investigate conditions in Phil ippines, 76. Dickinson, Charles, Jackson s duel with, i. 264. Dickinson, Daniel S., iii. 10. Dickinson, John, quarrel between John Adams and, i. 71-72; opposes Adams in argument for Declara tion of Independence, 73; com parison of Adams and, 106. Dingley tariff, iv. 54-55, 175. Dinwiddie, Governor, of Virginia, i. 10, 11, 12. District of Columbia, petitions for abolition of slavery in. ii. 214; emancipation of slaves in, 267. Dix, Gen. John A., ii. 126, 239. Dobbin, James C., ii. 188. Dodge, Gen. Henry, ii. 128. Dole, Sanford B., president of Hawaii, iii. 269. "Dollar diplomacy," iv. 182, 185-186; not to be countenanced by Wilson administration, 231. Donelson, Andrew J., i. 307. Donelson, Emily, i. 288, 305. Donelson, Col. John, i. 257, 306. Donelson, Fort, siege and capture of, by Grant, iii. 32-33. Douglas, Stephen A., ii. 188, 192. 193, 195, 227; debates between Lincoln and, 255-257; defeated by Lincoln for presidency, 258. Draft riots during Civil War, ii. 277- 278. Draper, Dr. Lyman C., i. 159. Duane, William J., i. 300. Duquesne, Fort, reduction of, i. 15. Eagan, discredited commissary-gen eral in Spanish war, iv. 73-74. Earle, portrait of Mrs. Jackson by, i. 306. Early, Gen. Jubal A., ii. 283. Eaton, John H., secretary of war under Jackson, i. 285; social and political quarrel over wife of, 288 289. Edwards, Jonathan, i. 14. El Caney, storming of, iv. 70. Elkins Anti-Rebate Law, iv. 129. Ellsworth, Oliver, i. 100, 160. Emancipation proclamation, Lin coln s, ii. 272. "Embalmed" beef charges, iv. 73-74. Embargo of 1807, i. 145-146, 186. 223-226; repeal of, 187. Employers Liability Acts, iv. 130- 131. Endicott. William C., secretary of war under Cleveland, iii. 253. Enforcement act of 1870, iii. 78. E pluribus unum, origin of legend, on seal of United States, i. 123. Eppes family, grandchildren of Thomas Jefferson, i. 147, 154-155. "Era of good feeling," i. 211, 230, ii. 207. Erie canal, ii. 6, 7. Este, David K., ii. 47. Evarts, William M., i. 5; argues Lem- mon slave case, iii. 200; secretary of state under Hayes, 128, 205; nominated for governor of New York (1876), 204. "Evening Post," New York, opposi tion to Roosevelt shown by, Iv. 100. Everett, Edward, life of Washington by, i. 48; contributions by, to Mount Vernon association. 48; mentioned, 232, 243, ii. 158, 161.