Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/339

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tere morality of second Inaugural address, 286-288; accompanies Grant's army in last campaign and enters Richmond, 291-292; last speech on public affairs (April 11, 1865), 292-294; assassination, 294; burial, and monument dedicated to, 295; estimate of character and career, 296-298; personal appearance and demeanor, 298-299; portraits, life-masks, and statues, 299-300; bibliographical matter, 300-301; wife and children, 299, 301-305.

Lincoln, John. ii. 247.

Lincoln, Levi, attorney-general under Jefferson, i. 141.

Lincoln, Mary Todd, ii. 299, 301-303.

Lincoln, Mordecai, ii. 247.

Lincoln, Nancy Hanks, ii. 248-249.

Lincoln, Robert Todd, ii. 299; secretary of war under Garfleld and Arthur, 304, iii. 185, 215; minister to Great Britain, ii. 305.

Lincoln, Samuel, ii. 247.

Lincoln, Sarah, stepmother of President Lincoln, ii. 249.

Lincoln, Thomas, father of President

Lincoln, ii. 248-249, 250.

Lind, John, special envoy to Mexico, iv. 237-240.

Lindenwald, Van Buren's estate of, ii. 17, 27 n.

Livingston, Edward P., i. 289, ii. 5.

Livingston, Robert R., i. 34, 122, 203, ii. 13.

Lloyd, successor of J. Q. Adams as senator, i. 226-227.

Lobbying by the interests during revision of tariffs, iv. 224-225; facts educed concerning, by senate investigating committee, 225-226.

"Loco-foco" faction, ii. 79.

Log-cabin and hard-cider campaign, Harrison's, ii. 43-44, 66-67.

Lôme, Dupuy de, letter of, criticising President McKinley, and recall of, iv. 62-63.

Long, John D., iv. 54.

Longfellow, H. W., ii. 177.

Long Island, battle of, i. 23.

Lossing, Benson J., cited in connection with the Washingtons, i. 5, 23, 48, 54, 55.

Louisiana, political disturbances in, during Grant's second term, iii. 86-88; charge of election frauds in, in Hayes-Tilden election, 126, 127, 139.

Louisiana Purchase, i. 143-144, 203-204.

Lowell, John, i. 225.

Luzerne, Chevalier do la, French minister to America, i. 84.


McClellan, Gen. George B., ii. 263. 264, 265; removed from command of Army of the Potomac, 279; runs for president on Democratic ticket in 1864, 285.

McClelland, Robert, ii. 188.

McCrary, George W., iii. 128.

McCulloch, Hugh, iii. 215.

McDowell, Gen. Irwin, ii. 262.

McDuffie, George, ii. 96.

McElroy, Mary Arthur, iii. 237.

McKee, Mary Harrison, iv. 28.

McKenna, Joseph, iv. 54.

McKinley, Anna, iv. 36.

McKinley, Ida Saxton, iv. 85.

McKinley, William (24th President), birth, family, and education, iv. 31-32; enlists as private in 23d Ohio infantry, 33; brilliant army career and steady promotion to office of major, 33-35; studies law and is admitted to Ohio bar, 36; settles at Canton, Ohio, 36; serves term as county prosecuting attorney, 36; elected to congress in 1876, 37; speech in opposition to Wood tariff bill, 37; re-election to congress, 38; committee appointments. 38-39; insists on soundness of policy of a protective tariff, 39; supports Blaine for presidency in 1884, 40; incessant political activities of, 41; speeches in defence of protection and against Mills tariff bill, 42-44; introduces customs administration bill and the McKinley tariff bill, 46; elected governor of Ohio, 48; reply to Cleveland's speech concerning cheapness, 48; supports Harrison in campaign of 1888, 48-49; second term as governor, 50 ff.; address on George Washington, at Union League club, Chicago, 50; speaking tour through the west, 51; activity in relieving distress in Hooking Valley mining district, 51; election to presidency in 1896. 52; cabinet, 54; calls extra session of congress to pass Dingley tariff bill. 54-55; revival of prosperity under, 55; policy toward Cuba, 55-56; annexation of Hawaii, 56-57; temporary misunderstanding with Great Britain over Bering sea seal question, 57-