Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/340

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292 INDEX 58; extends warning to gold-seekers upon opening of the Klondike fields, 58; accessibility of president to the public, 58-59; events leading to declaration of war with Spain, 62 68; Dupuy de Lome incident, 62- 63 ; investigates charges brought by officers against commissary depart ment, 73 ; peace commissioners ap pointed by, 74 ; transmits treaty of peace to senate, 75; appoints com mission to study conditions in the Philippines, 76; appointments for delegation to Hague peace confer ence called by czar of Russia, 77-78; withdraws places in civil service from operation of system of ap pointment on result of examinations, 78; speeches touching on condition of affairs in Philippines, 78-79; prosperity of country under, in 1900, 79; appoints Taft head of new Philippine commission, 80; important measures during 1900 1901, 81; unanimously renomi- nated for second term, 81 ; cabinet, 82; speech at Memphis (April 30, 1901), 82-83; notable address at Buffalo, 83; assassination and death, 83-84, 101 ; funeral services and world- wide honors to, 84; na tional monument in memory of, 84; bibliographical matter, 84-85; wife and children, 85. McLane, Louis, i. 289, 299-300. McLane, Robert M., ii. 231. Maclay, William, journal of, quoted, i. 36. McLean, John, ii. 74. McNeil, Gen. John H., ii. 198. MacVeagh, Wayne, iii. 130, 185. Madison, Ambrose, i. 159. Madison, Dolly Payne Todd, i. 183, 190-191. Madison, Frances Taylor, i. 159. Madison, Isaac, i. 159. Madison, James, father of President Madison, i. 159. MADISON, JAMES (4th President), i. 31, 116, 138, 141; essay concerning policy of neutrality toward belliger ent powers in Europe, 40 ; sympathy of, with Jefferson s views, 146-147; birth and ancestry, 159; education, 160; sound scholarship and excel lent mental qualities, 160; member of committee of safety, delegate to Virginia state convention (1776), and member of committee to draught constitution for state, 161 ; position on free exercise of religion, 161-162; elected delegate to con tinental congress, 162; stand in re gard to proposed impost law of 1783, 162-164; re-elected to Vir ginia legislature, 165; persistent efforts to strengthen Federal gov ernment, 165-166; "Memorial and Remonstrance" of, against tax for support of teachers of Christian religion, 166; commissioner to Annapolis and Philadelphia con ventions (1786-1787), 170-172; au thor of so-called "Virginia plan," 172; credit due, for American system of Federal and State govern ment, 173-175; importance of serv ices in connection with founding of Federal government, 175-177; papers in the "Federalist" by, 177; carries through ratification of Federal constitution by Virginia, against Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee s opposition, 178; elected to national house of representatives, 179; a leader in congressional activ ities, 179; reasons for joining new Republican party, 179-182; retire ment from congress, 182-183; mar riage to Dolly Payne Todd, 183; Virginia resolutions drawn up by, 183-185; secretary of state in Jefferson s cabinet, 141, 185-186; election to presidency, 187; re election, 188; out of element in management of War of 1812, 188- 189; tranquil closing years of life, 189; estimate of value of services of, 189; writings by and biogra phies of, 189-190. Madison, John, i. 159. Magoon, Charles E., services as pro visional governor of Cuba, iv. 121, 168. Mail service, improvements in, iii. 228. "Maine," blowing up of the, iv. 63- 65. Malvern Hill, battle of, ii. 264. Mangum, Willie P., ii. 14, 63. Manning, Daniel, iii. 253. " Manual of Parliamentary Practice," Jefferson s, i. 137. Marchant, portrait of John Quincy Adams by, i. 241. Marcy, William L., originator of phrase "spoils system," i. 286-287; secretary of war under Polk, ii. 102; secretary of state under Pierce, 188. Marshall, Charles p., ii. 170, 171 n. Marshall, John, tribute to Washing ton by, i. 44-45; life of Washington by, 47; member of commission to France, 97-98; appointment to