Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/341

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INDEX 293 chief justiceship, 102; on Jefferson s correspondence with foreign pleni potentiaries, 136; mentioned, 160, 199. Martin, Rev. Thomas, i. 160. Martine, James E., elected senator from New Jersey, iv. 210-211. Mason, George, i. 199. Mason, J. M., ii. 275. Mason, John Y., ii. 102. Mason and Slidell incident, i. 244, ii. 275-276. "Masonic," American vessel seized by Spain, iii. 219. Mead, Larkin G., Lincoln monument by, ii. 295. Meade, Gen. George G., ii. 279, iii. 53, 54. Meat inspection, iv. 132. Meikleham, Septima Randolph, i. 155. "Memorial and Remonstrance," Madi son s, i. 166. Mercer, Col. Hugh, i. 196. Meredith, William M., ii. 138. Merritt, Gen. Edwin A., iii. 142, 206, 208. Metcalf, Victor H., secretary of com merce and labor under Roosevelt, iv. 112. Mexican War, ii. 103-104, 110, 114; career of Franklin Pierce in the, 182-185. Mexico, critical relations between United States and, during Bu chanan s administration, ii. 231- 232; President Lincoln s treatment of French invasion of, 276; causes leading to withdrawal of French from, iii. 65; cordial reception given to President Grant in, 98; arbitra tion treaties made with, during President Roosevelt s administra tion, 117-118, 140; measures taken by President Taft to preserve peace with, in 1911, iv. 182-183; policy followed by President Wilson in dealing with, 236-242. Miles, Gen., iv. 72, 73; charges of, concerning "embalmed" beef, 73. Miller, case of, and book-binders union, iv. 109. Mills, Clark, life-mask of Lincoln by, ii. 300. Mills tariff bill, iv. 42, 43-44. Mine explosion before Petersburg, iii. 51. Mississippi Valley, rights secured to United States in, after Revolution ary War, i. 83. Missouri compromise, i. 206, 207, 231 ; repeal of, ii. 23, 193, 199; attitude of John Tyler at time of adoption of bill. 54-56; arrangement to ox- tend line westward through an nexed Texan territory, 80. Missouri Historical Society, building occupied by, erected in honor of Jefferson, i. 152-153. Monroe, Eliza, i. 195. MONROE, JAMES (5th President), I. 97, 143-144; concurrence of, with opinions of Jefferson, 146-147; family, 195; boyhood, 195; service in Revolutionary war, 195-19(5; member of assembly of Virginia, 197 ; delegate to congresses of con federation, 197; first-hand study of conditions in western country, 197; activities in congress, 198-199; public services in Virginia at close of congressional term, 199; sides with Patrick Henry in opposition to ratification of Federal constitu tion, 199; chosen United States senator, 200; service as envoy to France, 97, 200-202; superseded by Pinckney, returns and publishes his "View of the Conduct of the Execu tive," 202; elected governor of Virginia, 202-203; returned to France by Jefferson, and assists in acquisition of Louisiana, 143-144, 203-204; minister to England, 204; fails in mission to Spain, and arran ges unsatisfactory treaty with Eng land, 204; elected for third time to Virginia assembly and for second time governor, 205; appointed sec retary of state by Madison, 205; as secretary of war (1814-15) gains popularity, 205; election to presi dency, 206; second election, 206; main activities of, during two ad ministrations, 206-210; private life atcloseof second term, 210; admin istration termed the "era of good feeling," 210-211, 230, ii. 207; con sistently represents idea of America for Americans, i. 211; estimate of career, 211-212; wife and daughters, 212,214; writings, 212-213; works on, 213. Monroe, James, nephew of President Monroe, i. 214-216. Monroe, Spence, i. 195. Monroe doctrine, 1. 206, 207-210, 230- 231; reduction to true historical proportions by Van Buren, ii. 12; policy of Polk s administration under, 218-220; application of, in the Venezuela boundary dispute, iii. 271-274; desirability of friend ship of other American countries, in