Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/347

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INDEX 299 Salaries, inadequacy of, of members of Washington s cabinet, i. 133; of vice-president, cabinet members, and congressmen under Act of 1907, iv. 139. Samoa, acquisition by United States of islands of, iv. 77. Sampson, Admiral, iv. 69, 71. San Domingo, projected annexation of, under Grant, iii. 7G-77; admin istration of finances of, by United States, iv. 121. Sanford, Nathan, ii. 9. Sanitary conventions with South American and European countries, iv. 125. San Juan Hill, battle of, iv. 70; part taken by Rough Riders in, 99. San Juan, island of, dispute between Great Britain and United States as to, iii. 82-83. Sartoris, Nellie Grant, iii. 104. Schley, Winfleld Scott, commands Greely relief expedition, iii. 227; service during Spanish war, iv. 69-70. Schofleld, Gen. John M., secretary of war under Grant, iii. 92. Schouler, James, cited, i. 211, 212. Scott, Winfleld, and Andrew Jackson, i. 274; service against Creek In dians, ii. 129; anecdote of Zachary Taylor by, 139; Whig candidate for the presidency in 1852, 188, 223; warning given Buchanan by, in 1860, 235-236; attack by, on Bu chanan s management of affairs, 242. Schurman, J. G., iv. 76, 80. Schurz, Carl, secretary of interior under Hayes, iii. 128. Seal of United States, devising of, i. 123. Seal-fishery question, iii. 275-276. Seminole war, ii. 130. Seven Pines, battle of, ii. 263. Sevier, John, i. 264. Sewall, Jonathan, attorney-general of Massachusetts, i. 67. Seward, William H., candidate for presidential nomination in 1860, ii. 258; becomes Lincoln s secretary of state, 259; intimate relations be tween Lincoln and, 275. Seymour, Horatio, nominated against Grant in 1868, iii. 71; succeeds Morgan as governor of New York, 202. Shafter, Gen. W. R., iv. 70, 71. Sharpe, colonial governor of Mary land, i. 12. Shaw, Leslie M., secretary of treasury under Roosevelt, iv. 111. Shaw, Major, journal of, quoted, i. 27. Shays s rebellion, i. 31. Shelby, governor of Kentucky, ii. 42. Shenandoah valley, Sheridan s cam paign in the, ii. 285, iii. 52. 56. Shepard, Rev. Thomas, i. 105. Sheridan, Philip 11., ii. 283, iii. 255; effect of campaign in the Shenan doah on presidential election of 1864, ii. 285; wins battle of Five Forks, 291, iii. 59; victories at Win chester and Fisher s Hill, iii. 52; in the Shenandoah valley, 52, 56; removed from command of fifth military district by President John son, 69; sent to Louisiana by Presi dent Grant, during political dis turbances and outrages, S7; Ben jamin Harrison s address on, iv. 20. Sherman, James S., iv. 172. Sherman, John, iii. 119; secretary of treasury under Hayes, 128; can didacy of, for nomination to presi dency in 1880, 183-184; secretary of state under McKinley, iv. 54. Sherman, Gen. W. T., i. 5, ii. 283-284; the "march to the sea," iii. 46, 54; Johnston s surrender to, 64. Sherman, Roger, i. 122. Sherman act of 1890, repeal of, iii. 276-278. Sherman Anti-Trust law, Roosevelt s views on, iv. 128. Shiloh, battle of, ii. 264. iii. 34-35. Shufcldt, Com. R. W., iii. 220-221. Silver, free coinage of, iii. 135-136, 138; opposition of Cleveland to, 252. Silver bill of 1878, iii. 138-139. Sinclair, Upton, "The Jungle" by, and its effects, iv. 131-132. Skelton, Bathurst. i. 153. Slavery, the Missouri compromise and. i. 231 (sec Missouri compromise); enactment of the gag rule concern ing, 23S; Van Buren s attitude toward, ii. 10. 14, 19; Buchanan s attitude toward, 214, 223. 234: Lin coln s opposition to spread of. 254, 255; abolition of, by Lincoln s emancipation proclamation. 272. Slaves, question of rating a.s popula tion, i. 165, 175-176. Slidell. John, ii. 218, 227, 275. Small, Prof. William, i. 113. Smith, Caleb B., ii. 260. Smith, Charles Emory, iv. 54. Smith, Elizabeth guincy. i. 105. Smith, Rev. Gerrit, iii. 198.