Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/348

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300 INDEX Smith, Hoke, iii. 264. Smith, James, Jr., of New Jersey . iv. 211. Smith, Robert, secretary of the navy under Jefferson, i. 141. Smith, Rev. William, i. 105. South America, efforts of President Roosevelt and Secretary Root to promote friendly relations between United States and, iv. 116-117; first arbitration treaty between United States and, 119-120; sani tary convention with countries of, 125; President Wilson s announced policy regarding, 229-231. Southard, William L., ii. 72, 211. South Carolina, nullification contro versy in, i. 292, 293-295; secession of (I860), ii, 235, 259; disorders in, during reconstruction, iii. 81. South Mountain, battle of, ii. 266; Hayes at, iii. 112. Spain, attitude of, toward United States at close of Revolutionary War, i. 82; dispute with, about navigation of the Mississippi, 162- 163; delicate relations with, over Cuban insurrection during Cleve land s administration, iii. 269-271; relations between United States and, in 1898, iv. 59-63; immediate steps leading to war with, 66-68; declaration of war against, 68; treaty of peace with, 74-76. Sparks, Jared, tribute paid to mother of Washington by, i. 5; quoted on George Washington, 16; cited, 46; "Writings of Washington" pub lished by, 47. Specie circular of 1836, i. 302. Speed, James, ii. 260. Spencer, Ambrose, ii. 9. Spencer, John C., ii. 153. Spoils system, beginning of, i. 234, 286-287; previous perfection of system in New York and Pennsyl vania, 287. Spot resolutions, Lincoln s, ii. 104. Spottsylvania Court-House, battle of, ii. 282. Squatter sovereignty, ii. 233. Stamp act agitation in Massachusetts, i. 65-66. Standard Oil trust, dissolution of, iv. 180. Stan ton, Edwin M., attorney-general during last three months of Bu chanan s administration, ii. 240; becomes secretary of war under Lincoln, 260; attempted removal of, by President Johnson, iii. 17, 69-70. Star-route mail frauds, iii. 228-229. State-rights Whigs, ii. 63. " Steam-roller" tactics of Republicans in campaign of 1912, iv. 188. Stewart, Alexander T., iii. 92. Stillman s run, ii. 128. Stowe, Calvin E., ii. 177. Strike commission, Roosevelt s, iv. 107, 108. Strikes, during administration of President Hayes, iii. 133-134; President Cleveland s suppression and investigation of, in 1894, 283- 285; anthracite strike during Roose velt s administration, iv. 107, 108; of bituminous coal miners (1906), 125-126; troubles resulting from, at Goldfield, Nevada, 126. Stuart, Alexander H. H., ii. 138, 157, 158; quoted on President Fill- more, 163-164. Stuart, Gilbert, portraits of presi dents by, i. 49, 104, 189, 213. Stuart, Gen. J. E. B., ii. 283. Stuart, John T., Lincoln s law part ner, ii. 252-253. Sullivan, General, i. 74. Sumter, Fort, the attack on, ii. 261- 262. Supreme court of United States, or ganization of, i. 38; constitution ality of state laws decided by, 174- 175. Symmes, John Cleves, ii. 34, 46. Taft, Alphonso, secretary of war and attorney-general under Grant, iii. 92, 93, iv. 154; father of President Taft, iv. 154; judge of superior court of Cincinnati, 154. Taft, Charles Phelps, iv. 193. TAFT, WILLIAM H. (26th President), recommended by Roosevelt for his successor as president, iv. 141; bio graphical data, ancestry, etc., 153 154; graduation from Yale in 1878, 154; early legal and political ca reer, 154; appointed solicitor-gen eral by President Harrison, 154- 155; decision concerning extent of trade-union s right to boycott, 155; appointed United States Circuit judge, 156; notable decisions by, 156-159; dean of Cincinnati school of law, 159; head of commission to the Philippines, 80, 159-160; for mally proclaimed civil governor of the Philippines, 161; solution of friar lands problem, 162-163; other reforms undertaken in the islands,