Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/349

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INDEX 301 163; declines appointment to su preme court, 163-164; appointed secretary of war, 111, 164; task of starting construction of Panama Canal and founding of a government in the Canal Zone, 164-166; pro visional governor in Cuba in 1906, 121, 167-168; visit to Japan and trip around the world (1907), 123- 124, 168-170; reply to suggestions that he run for presidency in 1908, 170-171 ; nomination and election, 172-173; statement that tariff should be lowered, 173; statements concerning Payne-Aldrich tariff, 174; antagonisms provoked by choice of cabinet, 174-175; resent ment of congress aroused by ap pointment of a tariff board, 175- 176; failure of reciprocity treaty with Canada, 176-177; guerilla warfare between Democratic house of representatives and, 177-178, 181; list of legislative measures carried during administration, 178- 179; impartial pursuit of trusts, 179-181; preservation of peace with revolutionary Mexico, 182- 183; other incidents connected with foreign policy, 183 fl.; rela tions with Roosevelt during cam- paign of 1912, 186-188; overwhelm ing defeat of, in 1912, 188; be comes professor of law at Yale, 189; disadvantages to, from following Roosevelt in office, 189-190; exten sive journeying of, as president, 190; contrast between weight at tached to his legal opinions and his political speeches, 190-191; ex treme respect of, for the courts, 191-192; excellence of appoint ments to the federal bench, 192; holds up admission of Arizona on account of constitutional provision relating to recall of judges, 192- 193; writings by and biographies of, 193; wife and children, 193; popular and electoral votes for Wil son, Roosevelt, and, compared, 217. Talcott, Gen. S. V., iii. 202. Talleyrand, blackmailing attempts of, i. 97-98, 183; burnt in effigy by Americans, 99. Taney, Roger B., i. 289; tool of Jackson in removing deposits from United States bank, 300. Tariff, under proposed impost law of 1783,1. 164; threats of nullification and secession by South Carolina due to, 293-294; Clay s compro mise tariff, 295; strife between Whig party and President Tyler over (1842). ii. 75-77; Polk s suc cess in passing tariff for revenue only (1844), 107-109; reduction of. suggested by Cleveland, iii. 257; predominant issue in canvass of 1888, 259; the leading issue in 1892. 261-262; reduction of. by Wilson bill of 1894, 279-281 ; the Mills bill, iv. 42-44; passage of McKinley bill, 46-47; Dingley bill, 54-55; revision of, by Republicans during Taft s administration (Payne-Al drich tariff), 173-174; record of Taft on measures connected with, 177-178; Wilson s expressions as to the, 215. 216-217, 218-219; Underwood bill, 221-226; lobby ing by the big interests during re visions of, 224. Tariff board, Taft s, iv. 175-176, 178. Tariff of abominations, i. 292, ii. 58. Tayloe, Col. Ogle. ii. 166. Taylor, Ann, ii. 141. Taylor, Hancock, ii. 124. Taylor, James, ii. 123. Taylor, Margaret, wife of Zachary Taylor, ii. 140-141. Taylor, Col. Richard, father of Zach ary Taylor, ii. 123. Taylor, Gen. Richard, son of Zach ary Taylor, ii. 142-144. Taylor, Sarah Knox, ii. 141. TAYLOR, ZACHARY (12th President), i. 159; birth, family, and boyhood, ii. 123-124; receives commission of lieutenant in army, 124; marriage. 124; defence of Fort Harrison by. 125; promotion to major, 125; at close of War of 1812 reduced to rank of captain, ho resigns, 126; restored to grade of major and soon promoted to lieutenant-colonel, 127; service in Black Hawk war, 127-130; service in Florida, 130; service in Mexican War. 103, 114, 130 ff. ; election to presidency, 137- 138; cabinet, 138; death, 139. 150; estimate of character, 139-140; lives of, 140; notices of wife and chil dren, 140-144. Tazewell, Littleton W.. ii. 57. Tecumseh. i. 266, 267, ii. 35, 36; de feat of, at Tippccanoe, 37; death of, 40. Teller. Henry M., iii. 215. Tennessee, creation of state of. i. 261. Tennessee Coal and Iron Company affair, iv. 143-145. Tenure-of-offlce act of 1867, iii. 16. 69, 256. Terry. Gen. Alfred H., iii. 55.