Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. IV.djvu/350

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302 INDEX Texas, question of annexation of, ii. 17, 18, 77-78, 80, 99-100, 218; admitted into the Union during Folk s administration (1845), 103. Thames river, battle of, ii. 40. Third term myth, iv. 146. Thomas, Gen. George H., ii. 284. Thomas, Lorenzo, ii. 239, iii. 17, 70. Thompson, Jacob, ii. 229. Thompson, Richard W., iii. 128. Three-fifths rule, i. 175-176. Thurman, Allen G., iii. 116. Tilden, Samuel J., dispute between Hayes and, over election to presi dency, iii. 91, 125-127. Tippecanoe, battle of, i. 188, 267, ii. 37. Tobacco trust, suit concerning, iv. 128; dissolution of, 180. Todd, John, i. 190. Tohopeka, battle of, i. 268-269. Tompkins, Daniel D., i. 206, ii. 4, 5. Topeka convention, ii. 234. Toucey, Isaac, ii. 229. Tripp, Bartlett, iv. 77. Trumbull, John, portrait of Washing- tion by, i. 49. Trumbull, Lyman, ii. 254-255. Trusts, danger to American govern ment from, iv. 107-108; regulation of, by Roosevelt, 127-129; impar tial pursuit of, by Taft, 179-181. Truxtun, Captain, naval victories over French won by, i. 99. Tyler, John, father of President Tyler, i. 170, ii. 51. TYLER, JOHN (10th President), boy hood and education, ii. 51; ad mitted to bar of Virginia, 51; elected to legislature, 52; supports Madison s administration, 52; an opponent of national bank, 52-53; marriage, 53; elected to congress, 53; activities as a representative, 53 flf. ; stand taken by, on admis sion of Missouri and on slavery question in general, 54-56 ; opposes a protective tariff, 56; declines re election, 56; rector and chancellor of William and Mary College, 57; governor of Virginia, 57 ; elected to United States senate, 58; opposes " tariff of abominations," 58; course in senate generally in favor of Jack son, 59-60 ; break with administra tion over methods used in attack on national bank, 60-63; nomi nated for vice-president by state- rights Whigs, 63 ; events leading to resignation from senate, 64; presi dent of Virginia colonization society, 65; nominated for re-election to senate, 65; elected to vice-presi dency on Harrison ticket, 66-67; succeeds Harrison as president, 67; struggle with Clay s forces, over national bank and sub-treasury system, 67 ff. ; Clay s fiscal bank and fiscal corporation bills, 69-72; resignation of cabinet, 72-73; mem bers of new cabinet, 74; passing of national bank as a political issue, 75; strife with congress over the tariff, 75-77; attitude toward in ternal improvements, 77; course in presidential campaign of 1844, 79; on leaving White House, retires to his estate of Sherwood Forest, 80- 81; in 1861, advocates peace con vention of border states, 81; presi dent of meeting of peace convention at Washington (1861), 82; regards secession as unadvisable, but co ercion by Federal government as indefensible, 82; member of con gress of Confederate states, 83; death and unmarked grave of, 83; biographical matter, 83; wives of, and sous, 83-87. Tyler, John, Jr., quoted concerning President Tyler s first cabinet, ii. 73 n. Tyler, Julia Gardiner, ii. 85-86. Tyler, Letitia Christian, ii. 53, 83-84. Tyler, Lyon G., life of President Tyler by, ii. 56, 83; biographical notice of, 86. Tyler, Robert, ii. 84-85. Tyner, James A., postmaster-general under Grant, iii. 93. I Underwood tariff bill, iv. 221-226. Upham, Charles W., biography of Washington by, i. 48. Upshur, Abel P., secretary of navy under Tyler, ii. 74, 78. Usher, John P., secretary of interior under Lincoln, ii. 260. Utah commission of 1882, iii. 229. Vallandigham, Clement L., treason able orator, ii. 278; uses influence against Lincoln in election of 1864, 285. Van Allen, James J., ii. 4. Van Buren, Abraham, son of Martin Van Buren, ii. 24-25.