Page:The Prime Minister by Hall Caine.djvu/171

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Sir Robert.
She shan't.

Sir Malcolm.
Next, to discontinue for the present your nightly walks on the Embankment.

Sir Robert.
[Impatiently.] Tut! I can take care of myself. Anything else?

Sir Malcolm.
Yes, that you send your manservant away for a Christmas holiday, and allow me to put one of our own men in his place.

Sir Robert.
No!—[To Galloway, who has entered at back.] Well?

Miss Michel has just come in, and gone up to her room, sir.

Sir Robert.
Ask her to come down to me at once. [Galloway bows and goes out. Sir Robert rises.] Sir Malcolm, I am indebted to you for your warning, and will take all proper precautions.

Sir Malcolm.
[Also rising.] Thank you!

Sir Robert.
[With emphasis.] If you have sufficient proof of conspiracy against these people in Soho Square let there be no further delay. Arrest them—all of them, to-night, instantly.