Page:The Prime Minister by Hall Caine.djvu/172

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Sir Malcolm.
Good! And the girl?

Sir Robert.
Leave the girl again to me.

Sir Malcolm.
As you please, sir. [He moves towards door, stops.] May I beg of you not to go out to-night? Allow it to be supposed that you have gone as usual, but remain indoors, sir.

Sir Robert.
[At desk.] We'll see.

Sir Malcolm.
[At door.] I have heard the great news that will be published in the morning. Forgive me if I say that your life is not your own merely at a time like this. It belongs to all of us—to the world.

[The upper door, R., has opened again, and Margaret has entered. She sees the Chief Commissioner, and looks nervous.

Sir Robert.
That will do, Mr. Commissioner.

Sir Malcolm.
[After opening door.] I have made arrangements to remain in my office all night to-night. A call over the telephone will bring me back at any moment.

Sir Robert.
Good night, Sir Malcolm!