Page:The Prince (translated by William K. Marriott).djvu/28

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Other poems include Sonetti, Canzoni, Ottava, and Canti Carnscialeschi.

Works: Edition, Aldo, Venice, 1546; della Testina, 1550; Cambiagi, Florence, 6 vols., 1782-86; del Classici, Milan, 10 vols., 1804-5; Molinari, Venice, 12 vols., 1811; d'Italia, 8 vols., 1813; Silvestri, 9 vols., 1820-22; Passerini, Fanfani, Milanesi, 6 vols, only published, 1873-77.

Minor Works: Ed. F. L. Polidori, 1852; Lettere Famigliari, ed. E. Alvisi, 1883, 2 editions, one with excisions; Tredited writings, ed. G. Canestrini, 1857; Letters to F. Vettori, see A. Ridolfi, Pensieri in tomo alio scopo di N. Machiavelli nel libro, Il Principe, etc.

Translation of Works: H. Nevile, 1675, 2nd ed., 1720; E. Farneworth, 2 vols., 1762, 1775; History of Florence, and Affairs of Italy, Prince, etc., Bohn's Standard Library, 1847; Historical, political, and diplomatic writings, C. E. Detmold, 4 vols., 1882; The Prince and other pieces, Morley's Universal Library, 1883; The Prince, N. Hill Thomson, 2nd ed., Clarendon Press, 1897; L. Ricci, World's Classics, 1903; Art of War (P. Whitehome, 1560), The Prince (E. Davies, 1640), Florentine History (T. Bedingfield, 1595), Tudor Translations, 1905; Florentine History, N. Hill Thomson, 2 vols., 1906.

Lives: Nitti, 1876; P. Villari, N. Machiavelli e i suoi Tempi, 3 vols., 1877-82, 1895-97; Translation of P. Villari's work by L. Villari. 1878, 1892 (91); Tommasini, 1882; Mariano, 1886; F. Falco, 1896; V. Turri, 1902. Engilsh: J. M. Robertson (Pioneer Humanists), 1907; see also Macaulay, Critical and Historical Essays; and Greenwood, Cosmopolis, 1897.