Page:The Proletarian Revolution in Russia - Lenin, Trotsky and Chicherin - ed. Louis C. Fraina (1918).djvu/321

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It is quite clear that the landholders and capitalists, the chinovniks (bureaucracy) and office-holders, closely connected .with the bourgeoisie, in a word, all those who are rich or who are aiding the rich, will be hostile to the new Revolution, will oppose its success, will threaten to cease the activity of the banks, will disorganize or stop the work of certain institutions, will spread confusion and sabotage in every way, directly and indirectly. Every class conscious worker knows very well that we must inevitably meet with such opposition, that the higher officials are opposed to the people and will not surrender their charges to the people without opposition. The toiling classes are in no way intimidated by this opposition, not for a moment do they tremble before the threats and sabotage of the supporters of the bourgeoisie.

Behind us are the majority of the people. Behind us are the majority of the toilers and the oppressed of all the world. We are fighting in the cause of justice, and our victory is certain.

The opposition of the capitalists and of the higher officials will be broken. Not a man will be deprived by us of his possessions without a special law for the nationalization of the banks and syndicates. This law is being drawn up. Not a single worker will be deprived of a copek; on the contrary, aid will be given him. Without establishing any new imposts, for the present, the Government will first take up the task of a strict supervision and control of the collection of taxes already established, without any concealment whatever.

In the name of these just demands, the vast majority of the people have rallied around the Provisional Workers' and Peasants' Government.

Comrades and Toilers: Remember that it is you who now control the government. No one will help you unless you yourself unite and take all government functions into your hands. From now on your Soviets are the organs of government power, fully authorized, decisive organs.

Rally around your Soviets. Strengthen them. Take hold yourselves of this task, from below, and wage relentless warfare on all attempts at anarchy on the part of drunkards, hooligans, counter-revolutionists. Junkers, Kornilovites.

Introduce strict control over production and an inventory of products. Arrest and bring before the revolutionary tribunals of the people, all persons who injure the cause of the people, whether this injury takes the form of sabotage (destruction and interruption) of production, or that of hoarding supplies of grains or products,