Page:The Proletarian Revolution in Russia - Lenin, Trotsky and Chicherin - ed. Louis C. Fraina (1918).djvu/322

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or that of holding up carloads of grain, or disorganizing the activity of the railroads, teleqraph, post office, and in general, any form of opposition to the great common cause of peace, of assuring to the worker control over the production and distribution of goods.

Comrades: workers, soldiers, peasants, all who toil! Put all the power in your districts into the hands of your Soviets. Preserve and guard as the apple of your eye, the land, grain, the factories, tools, products, transportation—all these are henceforth your common possession. Gradually, in agreement with the majority of the pleasantry, and with their approval, as we learn the lessons of their practical experience and that of the workers, we shall advance steadfastly and unwaveringly to the realization of Socialism, in which we shall be aided by the advanced workers of the most civilized countries and which will give to the nations permanent peace and delivery from all oppression and from all exploitation.