Page:The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Volume 09.djvu/242

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Seeing Mándháta crowned, and Bhagirath,
Daushyanti, Bhárata, with all thy line.
Now therefore wash thee in this holy stream,
Gunga's pure font, whereof the bright waves bless
All the Three Worlds. It will so change thy flesh
To likeness of th' immortal, thou shalt leave
Passions and aches and tears behind thee, there.'

"And when the awful Sákra thus had said,
Lo! Dharma spake—th' embodied Lord of Right:

" 'Bho! bho! I am well pleased! Hail to thee, Chief!
Worthy, and wise, and firm. Thy faith is full,
Thy virtue, and thy patience, and thy truth,
And thy self-mastery. Thrice I put thee, king!
Unto the trial. In the Dwaita wood,
The day of tempting—then thou stoodest fast;
Next, on thy brethren's death and Draupadí's,
When, as a dog, I followed thee, and found
Thy spirit constant to the meanest friend.
Here was the third and sorest touchstone, son!
That thou should'st hear thy brothers cry in hell,
And yet abide to help them. Pritha's child,
We love thee! Thou art fortunate and pure,
Past trials now. Thou art approved, and they
Thou lov'st have tasted hell only a space,
Not meriting to suffer more than when
An evil dream doth come, and Indra's beam
Ends it with radiance—as this vision ends.
It is appointed that all flesh see death,
And therefore thou hast borne the passing pangs,
Briefest for thee, and brief for those of thine—
Bhíma the faithful, and the valiant twins
Nakula and Sahadev, and those great hearts
Kama, Arjuna, with thy princess dear,
Draupadí. Come, thou best-beloved son,
Blessed of all thy line; bathe in this stream—
It is great Gunga, flowing through Three Worlds.'