Page:The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East, Volume 09.djvu/243

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"Thus high-accosted, the rejoicing king
(Thy ancestor, O liege!) proceeded straight
Unto that river's brink, which floweth pure
Through the Three Worlds, mighty, and sweet, and praised.
There, being bathed, the body of the king
Put off its mortal, coming up arrayed
In grace celestial, washed from soils of sin,
From passion, pain, and change. So, hand in hand
With brother-gods, glorious went Yudhishthir,
Lauded by softest minstrelsy, and songs
Of unknown music, where those heroes stood—
The princes of the Pandavas, his kin—
And lotus-eyed and loveliest Draupadí,
Waiting to greet him, gladdening and glad."