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Bibliographical List of some of the Works referred to in the foregoing Pages.

Aberd. Eistedd. See Trans. Aberd. Eistedd.

Alpenburg. See Von Alpenburg.

Amélineau. Contes et Romans del' Égypte Chrétienne par E. Amélineau. 2 vols. Paris, 1888.

Amer. F. L. See Journal Amer. F. L.

Am Urds-Brunnen. Am Urds-Brunnen. Mittheilungen für Freunde volksthümlich-wissenschaftlicher Kunde. 6 vols. [The first two volumes entitled Am Urdhs-Brunnen, Organ des Vereins für Verbreitung volksthümlich-wissenchaftlicher Kunde.] Rendsburg, 1881-89.

Antiquary. The Antiquary, a Magazine devoted to the study of the Past. 22 vols. London, 1880-90, still proceeding.

Archivio. Archivio per lo studio delle Tradizioni Popolari Rivista Trimestrale diretta da G. Pitré e S. Salomone-Marino. 9 vols. Palermo, 1882-90, still proceeding.

Arch. Rev. The Archæological Review. 4 vols. London, 1888-90.

Arnaudin. Contes Populaires recueillis dans la Grande Lande le Born les Petites-Landes et le Marensin par Félix Arnaudin. Paris, 1887.

Aubrey, Miscellanies. Miscellanies upon various subjects. By John Aubrey, F.R.S. 4th edition. London, 1857.

—— Remaines. Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaisme. By John Aubrey, R.S.S. 1686-87. Edited and annotated by James Britten, F.L.S. London, 1881. (Folk-Lore Society.)

Bahar-Danush. Bahar-Danush; or Garden of Knowledge. An Oriental Romance. Translated from the Persic of Einaint Oollah. By Jonathan Scott. 3 vols. Shrewsbury, 1799.

Baring-Gould. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. By S. Baring-Gould, M.A. New edition. London, 1869.

Bartsch. Sagen, Märchen und Gebräuche aus Meklenburg. Gesam-