Page:The Science of Fairy Tales.djvu/394

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GREAT WRITERS continued. LIFE OF ADAM SMITH. By R. B. HALDANE, M.P. "Written with a perspicuity seldom exemplified when dealing with economic science." Scotsman. LIFE OF KEATS. By W. M. ROSSETTI. "Valuable for the ample information which it contains." Cambridye Independent. LIFE OF SHELLEY. By WILLIAM SHARP. "The criticisms . . . entitle this capital monograph to be ranked with the best biographies of Shelley." Westminster Review. LIFE OF SMOLLETT. By DAVID HANNAY. "A capable record of a writer who still remains one of the great masters of the English novel." Saturday Review. LIFE OF GOLDSMITH. By AUSTIN DOBSON. "The story of his literary and social life in London, with all its humorous and pathetic vicissitudes, is here retold, as none could tell it better." Daily A'ews. LIFE OF SCOTT. By PROFESSOR YONGE. "This is a most enjoyable book." Aberdeen Free Presg. LIFE OF BURNS. By PROFESSOR BLACKIS. " The editor certainly made a hit when he persuaded Blackie to write about Burns." Pall Mall Gazette. LIFE OF VICTOR HUGO. By FRANK T. MARZIALS. "Mr. Marzials's volume presents to us, in a more handy form than any English or even French handbook gives, the summary of what is known about the life of the great poet." Saturday Review. LIFE OF EMERSON. By RICHARD GARNETT, LL.D. "No record of Emerson's life could be more desirable." Saturday Review. LIFE OF GOETHE. By JAMES SIME. " Mr. James Sime's competence as a biographer of Goethe is beyond question." Manchester Guardian. LIFE OF CONGREVE. By EDMUND GOSSE. " Mr. Gos~e has written an admirable biography." Academy. LIFE OF BUNYAN. By CANON VENABLES. "A most intelligent, appreciative, and valuable memoir." Scots-man. LIFE OF CRABBE. By T. E. KEBBEL. " No English poet since Shakespeare has observed certain aspects of nature and of human life more closely." Athenaeum. LIFE OF HEINE. By WILLIAM SHARP. " An admirable monograph . . . more fully written up to the level of recent knowledge and criticism than any other English work." Scotsman. London : WALTER SCOTT, LIMITED, Paternoster Square.