Page:The Science of Fairy Tales.djvu/395

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GREAT . WRITERS-continued. LIFE OF MILL. By W. L. COURTNEY. "A most sympathetic and discriminating memoir." Glasgow Herald. LIFE OF SCHILLER. By HENRY W. NKVINSON. "Presents the poet's life in a neatly rounded picture." Scotsman. LIFE OF CAPTAIN MARRYAT. By DAVID HANNAY. "We have nothing but praise for the manner in which Mr. Hannay has done justice to him." Saturday Review. LIFE OF LESSING. By T. W. ROLLESTON. " One of the best books of the series." Manchester Guardian. LIFE OF MILTON. By RICHARD GARNKIT, LL.D. " Has never been more charmingly or adequately told." Scottith Leader. LIFE OF BALZAC. By FREDERICK WBDIIORK. " Mr. Wedmore's monograph on the greatest of French writers of fiction, whose greatness is to be measured by comparison with his successors, is a piece of careful and critical composition, neat and nice in style." Daily A'tirs. LIFE OF GEORGE ELIOT. By OSCAR BROWNINO. "A book of the character of Mr. Browning's, to stand midway be- tween the bulky work of Mr. Cross and the very slight sketch of Miss Blind, was much to be desired, and Mr. Browning has done his work with vivacity, and not without skilL" Manchester Guardian. LIFE OF JANE AUSTEN. By GOLDWIN SMITH. "Mr. Goldwin Smith has added another to the not inconsiderable roll of eminent men who have found their delight in Miss Austen. . . . His little book upon her, just published by Walter Scott, is certainly a fas- cinating book to those who already know her and love her well ; and we have little doubt that it will prove also a fascinating book to those who have still to make her acquaintance." Spectator. LIFE OF BROWNING. By WILLIAM SHARP. " This little volume is a model of excellent English, and in every respect it seems to us what a biography should be." Public Opinion. LIFE OF BYRON. By HON. RODEN NOKL. " The Hon. Roden Noel's volume on Byron is decidedly one of the most readable in the excellent ' Great Writers ' series." Scottish Leader. LIFE OF HAWTHORNE. By MONCURB CONWAY. " It is a delightful causerie pleasant, genial talk about a most interest- ing man. Easy and conversational as the tone is throughout, no important fact is omitted, no valueless fact is recalled ; and it is entirely exempt from platitude and conventionality." The Speaker. LIFE OF SCHOPENHAUER. By PROFESSOR WALLACE. "We can speak very highly of this little book of Mr. Wallace's. It is, perhaps, excessively lenient in dealing with the man, and it cannot be said to be at all ferociously critical in dealing with the philosophy." Saturday Review. London: WALTER SCOTT, LIMITED, Paternoster Square.