Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/86

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belle mère, the mother-in-law," he translated condescendingly, "is occupied with my blessed mamma, and can't hear; I think I may venture to say that Mr. Willis is about the slowest coach I ever attempted to drive."

"Mr. Willis is my papa, and does not keep a coach," said Charlie, who was sitting on Aileen's knee, "so it could not go slow."

"Capital! capital!" said Moses, with an affected laugh. "Very true, my little man, enfant terrible! It was the Miss Hopkinsons that I met at dinner at Columbia, not you, ladies, I think?"

"No," said Blanche, demurely, "we have never had the honour of dining with Mr. Willis."

"Honour you may well call it, not pleasure; but my mother who is entichée du beau Willis, quite taken with him, means to humanise him, and make him give constant dinners. I presume I am speaking to residents of Dulham, and I hope we may have the pleasure of meeting at the festive board of the égayant Willis."