Page:The Semi-detached House.djvu/87

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"I rather doubt whether Mr. Willis will ever ask us," said Aileen, trying to look pensive.

"Oh! but he shall, I hate exclusiveness, it's bad enough in London; but in the country where amusements are scarce, it is insufferable!"

"I am sorry to interrupt you, Moses," said the Baroness, "but the Baron will be frantic if I keep the greys standing; I wish your father would not give such enormous prices for my horses. I am sure, Mrs. Hopkinson, your friends will excuse you if I take you away, but I am a perfect child in household matters, and your advice will be invaluable. Gunnersbury is my beau idéal of a villa, but that, of course, I cannot expect to find here; so we will just look at Marble Hall. 1 wish I could have had Pleasance."

Blanche and Aileen immediately rose to depart.

"Yes, Pleasance is a stylish-looking concern," said Baron Moses, "though I only know it from the river. A charming spot for picnics."