Page:The Slave Girl of Agra.djvu/26

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Raja Todar Mull was silent and thoughtful. Gokul Das saw the impression he had made, and proceeded.

"Birnagar and Debipur both served the Afghan Kings through many generations as rivals in power and rivals in loyalty. Let them once more be rivals in their faithful service to the great Emperor who now rules at Agra, and whose Empire is bounded only by the sea."

Raja Todar Mull raised his eyes and spoke.

"Birnagar? Yes, I remember Birnagar, and the gallant, hoary-headed Chief who was faithful to us when so many forsook us. I have shared his hospitality before, and I wished to convey to him once more the Emperor's approbation of his faithfulness and gallantry."

"He, noble Raja, has passed beyond the sphere of earthly rewards. He died, rich in honours and in fame, shortly after you, mighty Governor, left his town. His infant grandson is now the Lord of Birnagar—and of Debipur also, for a time."

A pause ensued. The Raja reflected and none ventured to break the silence. Nobo Kumar felt that his fate and fortunes depended on the Raja's decision, but dared not speak.

At last Todar Mull spoke his decision.

"Nobo Kumar, your servant has pleaded your cause well, but your recent services speak more eloquently, and shall not go unrewarded. The august Emperor seeks not to inquire too minutely into the reasons of your defection four years ago; His Majesty pardons your past error and confides in your faithfulness in the future. It consists not with the dignity of the Imperial Throne to take away so soon from the minor heir of Birnagar the gift which