Page:The Slave Girl of Agra.djvu/27

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was temporarily made to his grandsire; years must expire till your estate can be restored to you. Prove your faithfulness to the Empire during these years. You will, by my orders, be appointed Diwan of Birnagar and Debipur, and guardian of the minor heir—for he needs a proper guardian and an able manager. When he attains his majority Debipur shall be separated from Birnagar and restored to you if you faithfully discharge this trust. The Emperor does not wish to see the extinction of an old territorial House like yours; be true to your work, and win back the estate of your fathers. Beware of unfaithfulness; Todar Mull has a long memory for the services of his friends, and a long arm to reach his foes."

The solemn words resounded in the Council Chamber, and the warning given struck home. Nobo Kumar winced; and the idea of serving as a Diwan and manager in the house of his ancient and hereditary rival was gall and wormwood to him. His lips moved as if he would speak again after the Royal order was passed, but faithful Gokul Das saved his master. A Royal Pardon for past rebellion rescued his master from a life of exile; the post of Diwan made him virtual master of Birnagar and Debipur for many years to come; the pledged restoration of Debipur assured the future of his House. These thoughts passed quickly through the fertile brain of Gokul Das, and he bowed low to Raja Todar Mull, and spoke:

"My master is overwhelmed and rendered speechless by your generosity, noble Raja; such generosity, worthy of the august Emperor of India, comes with added grace from your noble hands. My master