Page:The Slave Girl of Agra.djvu/28

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accepts the gift, far beyond his deserts, with gratitude and shall pay it with life-long faithfulness. Live long, mighty Raja, and you shall see the House of Birnagar and the restored House of Debipur rivalling each other in their service to the Mogul House, as they were rivals under Afghan Kings in the past."

Nobo Kumar came to Birnagar as Diwan with his wife and infant Hemlata. The child was of exceeding beauty; and Noren and Hemlata grew up as children, attached to each other, under the watchful eyes of Nobo Kumar and his noble and virtuous spouse. With Nobo Kumar came also his faithful friend, Gokul Das, still working and scheming for the house of Debipur as his fathers had done.

Ten years had passed since. Raja Man Singh, another Hindu General of Emperor Akbar, was now the Governor of Bengal. He had fixed on Akmahal as the seat of his Government, and changed its name to Rajmahal or the Royal Abode. And a few miles from Rajmahal lay the peaceful town of Birnagar, where Noren and Hemlata lived and played and loved. But within these ten years a stranger, Sirish, had come between them.