Page:The Slave Girl of Agra.djvu/316

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Hemlata paused, but Noren spoke not, and she went on:

"Thou hast a greater battle to fight, Noren, than thou hast yet fought. Live and conquer in this great battle of life like a true soldier. And when the time comes, die the death of a man who, happy or unhappy, has done his task in life. It is our duty which counts, not our desires and dreams. It matters little if an idle dream more or less is realised in life, it matters little if we sometimes stagger under the weight of sorrows or disappointments; we do His will when we do our ordained duty, and His unseen hand helps us when we are feeble. Do thy duty in life, Noren, and thy loving sister will be proud of her brother who is true to his work. Be a man, for a man's work lies before thee."

The midnight hour sounded from the Golden Temple, and the light of the moon fell on the inspired face and the glowing eyes of the proud woman who had done her duty in life. Noren, a soldier for nine years, felt that he was but a deserter and a coward whom that woman was calling back to his duty. And as he raised his eyes they fell on the North Star, and a legend of constancy and of duty came back to his mind.

"I will do thy bidding, Hemlata," he said softly. "I will return with thee to Bengal, and may Heaven help me to do my work."

"Spoken like the son of thy father. Thou hast always helped me, Noren, since childhood. Help a woman, who has perhaps her sufferings too, to do her ordained task on earth."

A silence ensued. Noren never knew the silent