Page:The Slave Girl of Agra.djvu/317

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sufferings that patient woman had borne and conquered.

"One word more before Saibalini comes to meet us, for her devotions must now be over. Dost remember the last time thou sawest me at Birnagar?"

Noren remembered it.

"Dost remember the grey cold morning, the misty lake, the lonely temple surrounded by trees?"

He did.

"Dost remember the jasmine plant we had planted and the flowers that grew on it?"

Noren remembered all.

"Then thou rememberest this token thou didst leave with me nine years ago." And Hemlata bared her white, slender arm, and Noren saw on it the withered remains of the jasmine bracelet, his last present to her before they had parted. It had gone to pieces, but the pieces had been carefully stitched together by a thread, and Hemlata had put it on once more before she came to the temple to-night.

"It was thy gift, Noren. Undo it, for thou alone hast the right to take it back." Her voice trembled a little.

"It was a token," said Noren, "which would keep me in thy mind. Dost thou forget me, Hemlata?"

"Not while life will last, my brother. But that token meant more. It has often troubled my heart when I sought for peace. It has often blinded my eyes when I sought to do my household work. Take it back, Noren, I may not wear it. I am a true wife to my husband."

Neither spoke, but both understood. Noren's