Page:The Social War.djvu/52

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"What say you, Dr. Toy Pancy?" ejaculated Victor.

"Yes, Dr. Toy Fancy is a villain, who has evidently been trying to poison you whilst he was sitting up with you at night, without your own family doctor knowing anything about it," said Lucinda.

"Indeed," muttered Victor, and meditated a moment, then said—"I can now know why he was so uneasy and anxious to be alone with me; surely, my dream was not all a dream; but, then, I have again interrupted you before you have finished your story, please go on and tell me all."

"I will, dear Victor, but you may not clearly understand why myself and father would send you such a villain of a physician, unless I explain to you how he happened to be selected. I myself first proposed to furnish you with additional medical aid, and my father and Deacon Rob Stew sat by my bedside when I asked father to employ a doctor for you; at once father said to the deacon that he, the latter, was best acquainted with physicians, and would ask it as a special favor if Deacon Stew would select a physician; the deacon did so, and this is the manner in which Dr. Toy Pancy came to your bedside," said Lucinda.

"But, my beloved angel, how could such a course cause Dr. Toy Fancy to have designs upon my life?" exclaimed Victor.

"You may deem me immodest, but, nevertheless, as we have become so well acquainted and love each other, I may tell you that Deacon Rob Stew has been suing for my hand the last year; but, I hate his advances, and have always rejected him, yet have never been rude to him, because I always esteemed him a good Christian, until I learned that lie connived with Fat O'Connor, our coachman, to murder you. Pat, irish-like, suspicioned this wolf in sheep's clothing, when he dissembled and acted as though he also hated you, knowing that the deacon detested you, because you are his successful rival," said Lucinda.

"Is it possible that Dr. Toy Fancy and Deacon Rob Stew attempted to take my life? Surely, I well remember