Page:The Social War.djvu/53

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that I had grown weaker the few days that Dr. Pancy was by my side, and my family doctor remarked several times, in the presence of Dr. Toy Fancy, that he could not clearly comprehend why I should not get stronger instead of weaker. My arm is nearly well, and I seem to see it all now; and it is you, my most precious darling, who saved my life; but, now I'll have an eye on these vile conspirators, and I see the necessity of secrecy, as you asked it," responded Victor.

"Dear Victor, I am exceedingly happy to see you so much better, and able to protect yourself against the danger which threatened your precious life; but, please tell me your dream, when I must go home," said Lucinda.

"Well, I dreamt three or four times last night you were by my bedside, as you are, and that we had pledged our mutual vows of love; but, every time that we wanted to consummate our nuptial ties, some obstacles were thrown into our path by deep designing enemies. This was all I remember of it, but, O, the horror and despair that I felt was almost unendurable," exclaimed Victor.

"It was, of course, only a dream, yet a very peculiar one, to say the least, and I shall be in continual dread of these men, who certainly have commenced in earnest"—said Lucinda, when a knock at the door interrupted their conversation; and when Miss Armington opened the door, the servant stood trembling and stammering: "O, good lady, the house is surrounded by an army of men."



THE bloody conspirators have met again at Tabernacle Hall, Rev. Joe Pier in the chair.

Nancy Clover took the floor and said:

"Brothers, as no one but the faithful and elite are present, and as it will benefit you all to know my