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thocht it maist expedient for the present to begin at the mending and furthsetting of the actis of Parliamentis haldin be kingis James the First, Secund, Thrid, Feird, Fyft, and be hir Maiesties powar hauand and hir self, and thairefter in all gudlie diligence to reik and extend thair cure to the emendatioun and publicatioun of the precedent and mair ancient Lawis, the quhilkis as they ar mair difficill to be decernit on, swa thay requyre langar tyme to thair dew correctioun. And albeit nane of all the Lordis Commissaris can be praisit aneuch, and proportionallie to thair worthynes for the trauell and diligence taken be thame in this present editioun and outset, zit in speciall with all mennis favouris, two of the saidis Lordis ar to be remembrit and commendit: Thay are to say, ane Reuerend Father in God, Johne Bischop of Ros Lord of our Soueranis Secreit counsall and of hir College of Justice, for his Suggestioun to our Souerane of this notabill purpose, eirnistfull performing of the said Commission and cure in conuening of my Lordis Commissaris his colligis, and liberalitie in the furthsetting of this Imprenting: And Schir James Balfour of Pettindreich, Knycht Clerk of the Register &c. For his sinceir afald and glaid concurrance to perfyte this wark, and exhibitioun of the originallis out of the Register and making of thame patent at all tymes on na wayis regardand his awin particulare outher proffeit or gloir bot onlie the commoun weill of the Realme. It restis to exhort all our Soueraine Ladyis liegis to diligentlie mark and consider thair awin dewtie and office expressit in this Law buke, and to expresse and manifest the samin be leding of thair lyfe conforme thairto in word and deid, Serchand heirout doctrine of treuth and obedience to the princeis, their Magistraitis and Officiaris of Justice: Off honest lyfe, of abstinence fra iniuring and hurting ane a uther: Off geuing to ilk persoun his awin: Off lauchfull conquesing, keiping, and annalying, of landis, gudis, and geir: And als to thank our Souerane of hir directioun and Commissioun, and the Lordis for the trauell takin be thame thairin: Fynallie to accept and embrace this haill laubour with sic beneuolence and gentill hart, that occasion be geuin efterwart, that the rest of the auld Lawis of Scotland be brocht to lycht, and put in the liegis handis to be commonlie red and understand with greit frute and plesure to the honour of God trew obedience to our Soueranis, and to the weill particular of ilk persoun, and commoun of the haill Realme.


In the first One hundred and ten Folios of this Volume of the Black Acts, are contained the Acts of King James I. II. III. and IV. At the End of Folio cx, b. is the following Certificate:

“Thir ar the trew copyis of the Actis of Parliamentis made be our Souerane Lordis, Kingis James the First, Secund, Thrid, and Feird, with auise of the thre Estatis of the Realme: Reviseit & correctit be the Lordis Commissaris depute thairto: And extractit furth of the bukis of Parliament be me Schir James Balfour of Pettindreich Knycht, Clerk of our Souerene Lord and Ladyis Regestrie counsall and Rollis under my signe and subscriptioun manuall.

Jacobus Balfour.
[A Fac-simile.]

At the End of the Third Parliament of King Jac. V. (fo. cxvij, b. of the Volume) is the following Note:

“Emendata et Descripta ut est supradictum.

Jacobus Balfour.
[A Fac-simile.]

In fo. cxlij, b. at the Conclusion of the Acts of King James V. is an Act, intituled, “The Kingis Grace ordinance for imprentin of his Actis of Parliament.” (chap. cviij,[1]) The Copy of this Act is here given with the Note and Certificate which are added to it.

“The Kingis grace ordinance for imprentin of his Actis of Parliament. Ca. cviij.

“Heir[2] our Souerane Lord hes ordanit that the Actis of Parliament made be his hienes be publist out throw all his Realme. And, that all Schireffis, Stewartis, Baillies, Prouestis, and Baillies of Burrowis and uthers his liegis may haue the copyis thairof and pretend na Ignorance throw misknawing of the samin, Hes ordanit his Clerk of registre, to mak an autentyk extract and copy of all the saidis actis sa far as concernis the common weill under his subscriptioun manuall to be Imprentit, be quhat Prenter it sall pleis the said Clerk of Registre to cheis. And it sall not be lesum to ony uther Prenter to imprent the samin within this Realme or without the samin, or bring hame to be sauld, for the space of vj. zeiris nixt to cum under the pane of confiscatioun of the samin. Prowyding alwayis that the said Prenter to be chosin be the said Clerk of Registre, as said is, have our said Souerane Lordis speciall Licence thairto.”

“Thomas Dauidson than chosin Prenter, first Imprentit thir the viij. day of Februar the zeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth xli. zeiris.

“Thir ar the trew copyis of the actis of Parliament maid be our Souerane Lord King James the Fyft. Extractit furth of the bukis of Parliament at command of the Act maid thairupone[3] be Maister James Foulis of Colintowne, Clerk of our Souerane Lordis Registre counsall and Rollis, under his signe and subscriptioun manuall.

Jacobus Foulis.

  1. Under this Ordinance the first printed Publication of the Scottish Acts of Parliament was made in 1541.
  2. An Error of the Press for Item.
  3. i. e. the preceding Act.