Page:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 1 (1101-1377).pdf/82

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In fo. clxix, at the End of the Acts of Queen Mary made in 1555, is the following Certificate, which appears to apply to all the Acts of that Queen, from the beginning of her Reign to that Time.

“Thir ar the trew copyis of the Actis of Parliamentis of our Souerane Lady Quene Marie haldin be ane Nobill and Mychtie Prince James Duke of Chastelheraut Lord Hammiltoun and Governour of the Realme. And be ane mychtie Princes Marie Quene Dowrear, mother to our Souerane Lady and Regent of the Realme, viseit sychtit and correctit be the Lordis Commissionaris depute thairto; and extractit furth of the bukis of Parliament be me Schir James Balfour of Pettindreich Knycht, Clerk of our Souerane Ladyis Register Counsall and Rollis under my Signe and subscriptioun manuall.

Jacobus Balfour.
[A Fac-simile.]

In fo. clxxx, b. at the End of the Statute made by Queen Mary in her Parliament 1563, containing Twenty-five Chapters or Acts, is the following Certificate:

“Thir xxv actis nixt precedant war in the zeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth lxv zeiris extractit furth of the buikis of Parliament at command of our Souerane Lady be Maister James Makgill of Rankelour-nether Clerk of our said Souerane Ladyis Registre counsall and Rollis under his Signe and Subscriptioun manuall.

Jacobus Mackgill.

At the End of the Acts of the First Parliament of King James VI. (fo. xxiv. of that Collection) is the following Certificate:

“Extractum de libro Actorum Parliamenti per me Magistrum Jacobum Makgill de Rankelour-nether Clericum Rotulorum Registri ac Consilii, S.D.N. Regis, sub meis signo et subscriptione manualibus.

Jacobus Makgill.
[A Fac-simile.]

The like Certificate exactly is also at the End of the Second Session of Jac. VI. and the like (with the Variation of “libris” for “libro”) at the End of the Third and Fourth Sessions respectively. See fo. vi, b. xiij, b. and xvj. of the Collections of the Acts of those Parliaments.


From the Records of the Parliament, holden at Edinburgh 5th June 1592.

For vistting and caussing of the Lawes and Actis of Parliament to be prented.”

“OUR SOUERANE LORD with aduise of his Estaitis Ordanis and commandis his traist Cousing ande counsallour Johnne lorde of thirlestane his hienes chancellair be him selff assistit with Mr. Johnne Lindsay persoun of Menmure, Alexander hay of eister kennet clerk of register, maister Johnne Skene aduocat, Mr. George zoung archdeacone of Sanctandrois, Mr. Thomas hammiltown appierand of preistfeld, Maister Williame Scott directour of the chancellarie, and Maister Johnne hay sone and depute to the said Clerk of Register, to visite the lawes and actis maid in this present parliament, and all vthiris municipall lawes and Actis of Parliament bygane, quhairof thair is Registaris or autentik monumentis extant; And to considder quhat lawis or Actis necesserlie wald be knawin to the Subiectis, qlkis suld be kepit ande obeyit be thame ande to mak thame Inexcusable of Ignorance To caus the samen lawys and actis be copyt and autentik copies Subscryvit to be deliuerit to his hienes prentar, Togidder or seuerallie, as the said Lord Chancellair and personis Joneyd to assist him sall think expedient als oft and in sic nowmer as yai sall think gude. That the same may cum probablie to the knawlege of all the Subiectis sa sone as is possible, And gevis and grantis full power to the said Chancellare and vtheris appointit to ye effect foirsaide be thir presentis And that the copie and directioun subscryvit be the said lorde Chancellar and Clerk of Register with ony vthir tua of ye personis abonewritten appointit to assist him salbe a sufficient warrant to ye said Prentar to the effect abone specifiet.”


From the Records of the Parliament, holden at Edinburgh 11th August 1607.

Act in fauouris of the Clerk of Register; Anent the prenting of the Book callit Regiam maiestatem.”

“FORSAMEKILL as be diuerse actis of parliament It wes Statute and Ordanit that all oure Souerane Lordis liegis of this his hienes Realme of Scotland Live and be governit vnder the lawes and Statutis of this Realme alanerlie,