Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/113

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Our army being very numerous, the market people in the rate were attacked by anther party of the Pahareas, who plundered them, and wounded many with their bows and arrows: the picquet guard cloſely purſued them, killed ſeveral, and apprehended thirty or forty, who were brought to the camp. Next morning, as our hotteewallies, graſs cutters, and bazar people went to the mountains about, their uſual buſineſs of procuring provender for the elephants, graſs for the horſes, and, fuel for the caring; a gang of thoſe 'licentious ſavages, ruſhed with violence. on them, inhumanly butchered ſeven, or eight of our people, and carried off three elephants, and as many camels, with
