Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/126

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cutta. Near each gate is a well, from which water eaſily raiſed for the uſe of the army by engines happily contrived for that purpoſe. The Commander in Chief reſides in an elegant edifice within the fort, where there alſo a bazar conſtantly held to ſupply the army with every neceſſary: and the Officers of rank next to him, dwell on the very arches of the gates, in beautifully conſtructed buildings, that, in ſuch elevated ſituations, have a very fine effect on the delighted beholder. Inſide the fort there are eight barracks, for the other Officers and privates, ſtores for the ammunition and accoutrements; magazines, armories, and a cannon and ball foundry, almoſtconti-