Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/127

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continually at work, for the general uſe of the Company's troops throughout India. In ſhort, Fort William is an aſtoniſhing piece of human workmanſhip, and large enough to contain, at leaſt, ten thouſand inhabitants.

The other principal-public buildings, are the Court-Houſes, Priſons, and Churches. I here are three Court-Houſes; one fronting Loldigee, one near the Governor's manſion, and the other in Chaunpolgot: two priſons; one in Lalbazar, and another in Chouringee: and ſeveral Churches, beſides the Engliſh, Armenian, and Portugueſe, which are the moſt noted places of worſhip, in point of magnitude, exterior figure,
