Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/128

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hand decoration. On the oppoſite ſide of the river are docks for repairing and careening ſhips; and outſide the town is an hoſpital, accompanied by a ſheltering grove; ſome pleaſant villas, the ſummer retreats of the European Gentlemen, delightful improvements, aromatic flower gardens, winding walks planted with embowering trees on each tide, and fiſh ponds reflecting, like an extended mirror, their blooming verdure on each margin, and Heaven's clear azure in the vaulted canopy above. There is alſo a very fine canal formed at the expence of Mr. Tolly, which is navigable for boats paſſing up and down: it was cut through the country, and extended from Kid-
