Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/182

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Comedan ſignifies a Captain
Subidara Lieutenant
Jemidar an Enſign
Howaldar a Serjant
Homaldar a Corporal
Seapoy a prirvate Soldier
Tombourwalla a Drummer
Baſeewalla a Fife
Trooheewalla a Tmupeter

The Seapoys are compoſed of Mahometans and Hindoos, who make, no other diſtinſtion in their exterior appearance, than that the Hindoos colour each ſide of the face and forehead with a kind of red paint, produced from the timber of the ſandal tree. The dreſs of both; is a thin muſlin ſhirt, a red coat in uniform, a turban, ſaſh, and ſhort
