Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/183

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trouſers. The turban, which is of muſlin, is moſtly blue as well as the ſaſh: it is quite ſmall, fitted very cloſely to the head, and not unlike a Scotch bonnet in form, except that the front is more flat, to which they affix a cockade of white muſlin puffed and trimmed with ſilver lace, with a ſtar in the middle. It is alſo ornamented with curious narrow feſtoons made of—thin wire. Round the neck are worn two or three rows of wooden heads, and a ſhield on the left ſhoulder. An Officer wears ſilver or glaſs heads, a coat of ſcarlet cloth, in uniform with the brigade to which he belongs, a blue ſaſh and turban, containing twenty yards each, a pair of
