Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/201

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traders and manufacturers, and ſe veral pagodas, or temples, of Hindoo worſhip.

The ſtreets in Beharas, are rather confined and narrow; and the houſes, which are crowded together, are in general very high and flat at the top, where the inhabitants, in the cool hours of the day, enjoy the benefit of the air. In different parts of the town, there are tanks, or wells, for the uſe of the citizens and the refreſhment of paſſing ſtrangers, who if indigence, are alſo humanely ſupplied with food by perſons employed to attend at the tanks felt this very purpoſe. This city is well peepled, and perſons of conſequence, when they ap-
