Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/206

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he, on any account, be admitted into any other, This diſtinction of the people into different claſſes, ſeems to be an inſtitution of ſome antiquity, and probably will continue unaltered till the end time, ſo ſteady and perſevering is every individual in his attachment to his reſpective caſt.

The Bramins are again divided into five orders: firſt, into thoſe that eat no fleſh: ſecond, into thoſe that eat ſome kind of fleſh: third, thoſe that marry: fourth, thoſe that vow celibacy: and fifth, the Bramins that forbear walking at all, for fear of deſtroying ſome living creatures; theſe wear a piece of ſilk Or muſlin before their mouths, leſt
