Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/207

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the ſmalleſt fly ſhould be drawn in by their breath. They are ſo exccedingly ſcrupulous in this reſpect, that they will not burn wood, through an apprehenſion of deſtroying any infect by, it; and they always carry a bruſh in their hands to ſweep the place they deſign to ſit on, leſt they ſhould diſlodge the ſoul of ſome animal, Their ſcrupuloſity ariſes from a belief in the tranſmigration of fouls, and their followers are ſo firmly perſuaded that departed ſouls enter the bodies of animals, that they no ſooner obſerve any of them frequent their houſes, than they immediately conclude, their deceaſed friends, under this new diſguiſe, come to viſit them. They cannot without, hor-
